Open Source > shipping-fulfillment-app


Sample app (not currently running)

Shopify wants you to appear in the Shopify App Store as a fulfillment partner. This will allow Shopify merchants to use your app to provide shipping rates, fulfill orders, update those orders with tracking numbers, and keep track of inventory. Your app will act as a middle layer between Shopify and your fulfillment service. This document and sample application detail the steps necessary to use Shopify’s fulfillment and carrier services APIs.

The Fulfillment API

Fulfillment Services are responsible for fulfilling orders. This involves being notified by Shopify when an order is placed, and updating Shopify about order statuses and product inventory levels.

API doc at:

The Carrier Service API

Carrier Services provide shipping rates to Shopify, and are presumably backed by an actual shipping service. FedEx, UPS, USPS, Royal Mail, etc. are all carriers that might want to use this API.

The terms ‘carrier’ and ‘shipping’ are often used interchangably.

API doc at:


  1. Register as a Shopify Partner
  2. Create an app through the Partners Dashboard. See our Development Guide for more info.
  3. Register a fulfillment service. Directions are included below.
  4. Register a carrier service and subscribe to relevant notifications. Directions are included below.
  5. Provide specific endpoints for Shopify to send order info to trigger fulfillment, get shipping rates, or ask for inventory levels.

Steps to set up a fulfillment service

Setting fulfillments permissions

Add the write_fulfillments permission to your requested scopes.

Register a new fulfillment service

On installation, create a new fulfillment service. You will need to provide the following parameters:

Here’s an example of a request payload to make a new fulfillment service:


{ "fulfillment_service": 
    "name": "My Fulfillment Service",
    "handle": "my_fulfillment_service",
    "callback_url": "",
    "inventory_management": true,
    "tracking_support": true,
    "requires_shipping_method": true,
    "format": "json"

Here’s an example cURL request to Shopify that uses that fulfillment_service.json payload:

curl -X POST -d @fulfillment_service.json
      -H "Accept:application/json"
      -H "Content-Type:application/json"
      -H "X-Shopify-Access-Token:THE_AUTH_TOKEN_GOES_HERE"

Subscribe to fulfillment webhooks

Subscribe to fulfillments/create and fulfillments/update webhooks using the Webhook API.

Provide fulfillment endpoints

Expose the two following GET endpoints, rooted at the callback_url you defined when creating the service:

Example /fetch_tracking_numbers request from Shopify:[]=1&order_ids[]=2&order_ids[]=3

Example /fetch_tracking_numbers response:

  { "tracking_numbers": {
      "1": "qwerty",
      "2": "asdfg",
      "3": "zxcvb"
    "message": "Successfully received the tracking numbers",
    "success": true

Example /fetch_stock request:

Example /fetch_stock response:

{"123": 1000}

Steps to set up a carrier/shipping service:

Setting permissions

Add the write_shipping permission to your requested scopes.

Register a new shipping service

On install, create a new carrier service through the API. It needs the following paramseters:

Here’s an example of the request payload:


{ "carrier_service":
    "name": "My Carrier Service",
    "callback_url": "",
    "service_discovery": true
    "format": "json"

Example cURL request:

curl -X POST -d @carrier_service.json -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-Shopify-Access-Token:THE_AUTH_TOKEN_GOES_HERE"

Provide shipping endpoints

Your callback_url should be a public endpoint that expects a request for shipping rates and should return an array of applicable rates.

Example request from Shopify:

   "rate": {
       "origin": {
           "country": "CA",
           "postal_code": "K1S4J3",
           "province": "ON",
           "city": "Ottawa",
           "name": "",
           "address1": "520 Cambridge Street South",
           "address2": "",
           "address3": "",
           "phone": "",
           "fax": "",
           "address_type": "",
           "company_name": ""
       "destination": {
           "country": "CA",
           "postal_code": "K1S 3T7",
           "province": "ON",
           "city": "Ottawa",
           "name": "Jason Normore",
           "address1": "520 Cambridge Street South Apt. 5",
           "address2": "",
           "address3": "",
           "phone": "7097433959",
           "fax": "",
           "address_type": "",
           "company_name": ""
       "items": [
               "name": "My Product 3",
               "sku": "",
               "quantity": 1,
               "grams": 1000,
               "price": 2000,
               "vendor": "TestVendor",
               "requires_shipping": true,
               "taxable": true,
               "fulfillment_service": "manual"
       "currency": "CAD"

Example response:

   "rates": [
           'service_name': 'canadapost-overnight',
           'service_code': 'ON',
           'total_price': '12.95',
           'currency': 'CAD',
           'min_delivery_date': '2013-04-12 14:48:45 -0400',
           'max_delivery_date': '2013-04-12 14:48:45 -0400'
           'service_name': 'fedex-2dayground',
           'service_code': '1D',
           'total_price': '29.34',
           'currency': 'USD',
           'min_delivery_date': '2013-04-12 14:48:45 -0400',
           'max_delivery_date': '2013-04-12 14:48:45 -0400'
           'service_name': 'fedex-2dayground',
           'service_code': '1D',
           'total_price': '29.34',
           'currency': 'USD',
           'min_delivery_date': '2013-04-12 14:48:45 -0400',
           'max_delivery_date': '2013-04-12 14:48:45 -0400'


Copyright (c) 2012 Shopify. Released under the MIT-LICENSE.