LLDB is the current state of the art for iOS debugging, but it’s clunky and cumbersome and doesn’t work well with objects.
The Super Debugger (superdb) lets you debug in new ways lldb can’t: it allows you to send messages to the objects in your app, without the need to stop on breakpoints.
Use the powerful Shell on your Mac to inspect your objects, see changes instantly, and speed up development.
Install the Super Debugger in your app in minutes and test changes immediately. Fork the project on Github. This is just the beginning.
How much time have you wasted trying to get a view’s corner radius to look right? You test it out, make a change. Build and run. But you don’t feel like you’re running, do you?
With Super Debugger, you see your changes as you make them. Set a corner radius. Or a line thickness. Or a colour. And see the app refresh before your eyes.
Super Debugger even allows you to drag your numbers left and right to see them grow and shrink. Minutes of compiling just became seconds of testing.