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import AbstractPlugin from 'shared/AbstractPlugin';
import {requestNextAnimationFrame} from 'shared/utils';

const onMirrorCreated = Symbol('onMirrorCreated');
const onMirrorDestroy = Symbol('onMirrorDestroy');
const onDragOver = Symbol('onDragOver');
const resize = Symbol('resize');

 * ResizeMirror default options
 * @property {Object} defaultOptions
 * @type {Object}
export const defaultOptions = {};

 * The ResizeMirror plugin resizes the mirror element to the dimensions of the draggable element that the mirror is hovering over
 * @class ResizeMirror
 * @module ResizeMirror
 * @extends AbstractPlugin
export default class ResizeMirror extends AbstractPlugin {
   * ResizeMirror constructor.
   * @constructs ResizeMirror
   * @param {Draggable} draggable - Draggable instance
  constructor(draggable) {

     * ResizeMirror options
     * @property {Object} options
     * @type {Object}
    this.options = {

     * ResizeMirror remembers the last width when resizing the mirror
     * to avoid additional writes to the DOM
     * @property {number} lastWidth
    this.lastWidth = 0;

     * ResizeMirror remembers the last height when resizing the mirror
     * to avoid additional writes to the DOM
     * @property {number} lastHeight
    this.lastHeight = 0;

     * Keeps track of the mirror element
     * @property {HTMLElement} mirror
    this.mirror = null;

    this[onMirrorCreated] = this[onMirrorCreated].bind(this);
    this[onMirrorDestroy] = this[onMirrorDestroy].bind(this);
    this[onDragOver] = this[onDragOver].bind(this);

   * Attaches plugins event listeners
  attach() {
      .on('mirror:created', this[onMirrorCreated])
      .on('drag:over', this[onDragOver])
      .on('drag:over:container', this[onDragOver]);

   * Detaches plugins event listeners
  detach() {
      .off('mirror:created', this[onMirrorCreated])
      .off('mirror:destroy', this[onMirrorDestroy])
      .off('drag:over', this[onDragOver])
      .off('drag:over:container', this[onDragOver]);

   * Returns options passed through draggable
   * @return {Object}
  getOptions() {
    return this.draggable.options.resizeMirror || {};

   * Mirror created handler
   * @param {MirrorCreatedEvent} mirrorEvent
   * @private
  [onMirrorCreated]({mirror}) {
    this.mirror = mirror;

   * Mirror destroy handler
   * @param {MirrorDestroyEvent} mirrorEvent
   * @private
  [onMirrorDestroy]() {
    this.mirror = null;

   * Drag over handler
   * @param {DragOverEvent | DragOverContainer} dragEvent
   * @private
  [onDragOver](dragEvent) {

   * Resize function for
   * @param {DragOverEvent | DragOverContainer} dragEvent
   * @private
  [resize]({overContainer, over}) {
    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      if (!this.mirror.parentNode) {

      if (this.mirror.parentNode !== overContainer) {

      const overElement = over || this.draggable.getDraggableElementsForContainer(overContainer)[0];

      if (!overElement) {

      requestNextAnimationFrame(() => {
        const overRect = overElement.getBoundingClientRect();

        if (this.lastHeight === overRect.height && this.lastWidth === overRect.width) {

        this.mirror.style.width = `${overRect.width}px`;
        this.mirror.style.height = `${overRect.height}px`;

        this.lastWidth = overRect.width;
        this.lastHeight = overRect.height;