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const canceled = Symbol('canceled');

 * All events fired by draggable inherit this class. You can call `cancel()` to
 * cancel a specific event or you can check if an event has been canceled by
 * calling `canceled()`.
 * @abstract
 * @class AbstractEvent
 * @module AbstractEvent
export default class AbstractEvent {
   * Event type
   * @static
   * @abstract
   * @property type
   * @type {String}
  static type = 'event';

   * Event cancelable
   * @static
   * @abstract
   * @property cancelable
   * @type {Boolean}
  static cancelable = false;

   * AbstractEvent constructor.
   * @constructs AbstractEvent
   * @param {object} data - Event data
  constructor(data) {
    this[canceled] = false;
    this.data = data;

   * Read-only type
   * @abstract
   * @return {String}
  get type() {
    return this.constructor.type;

   * Read-only cancelable
   * @abstract
   * @return {Boolean}
  get cancelable() {
    return this.constructor.cancelable;

   * Cancels the event instance
   * @abstract
  cancel() {
    this[canceled] = true;

   * Check if event has been canceled
   * @abstract
   * @return {Boolean}
  canceled() {
    return Boolean(this[canceled]);

   * Returns new event instance with existing event data.
   * This method allows for overriding of event data.
   * @param {Object} data
   * @return {AbstractEvent}
  clone(data) {
    return new this.constructor({