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const matchFunction =
  Element.prototype.matches ||
  Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector ||
  Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector ||

 * Get the closest parent element of a given element that matches the given
 * selector string or matching function
 * @param {Element} element The child element to find a parent of
 * @param {String|Function} selector The string or function to use to match
 *     the parent element
 * @return {Element|null}
export default function closest(element, value) {
  if (!element) {
    return null;

  const selector = value;
  const callback = value;
  const nodeList = value;
  const singleElement = value;

  const isSelector = Boolean(typeof value === 'string');
  const isFunction = Boolean(typeof value === 'function');
  const isNodeList = Boolean(value instanceof NodeList || value instanceof Array);
  const isElement = Boolean(value instanceof HTMLElement);

  function conditionFn(currentElement) {
    if (!currentElement) {
      return currentElement;
    } else if (isSelector) {
      return matchFunction.call(currentElement, selector);
    } else if (isNodeList) {
      return [...nodeList].includes(currentElement);
    } else if (isElement) {
      return singleElement === currentElement;
    } else if (isFunction) {
      return callback(currentElement);
    } else {
      return null;

  let current = element;

  do {
    current = current.correspondingUseElement || current.correspondingElement || current;

    if (conditionFn(current)) {
      return current;

    current = current.parentNode;
  } while (current && current !== document.body && current !== document);

  return null;