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Estimated Item Size Prop

estimatedItemSize is a single numeric value that hints FlashList about the approximate size of the items before they're rendered. FlashList can then use this information to decide how many items it needs to draw on the screen before initial load and while scrolling. If most of the items are of different sizes, you can think of an average or median value and if most items are of the same size, just use that number. A quick look at Element Inspector can help you determine this. If you're confused between two values, the smaller value is a better choice.

How to calculate

  • Use the average item size from the first render - this will be a part of the warning if you don't specify estimatedItemSize.
  • If most items are of similar heights or widths (if horizontal), just open up element inspector from react-native's dev menu, check the size of one of the items, and use it. Don't worry about different devices. We have enough tolerance to work around it.
  • If the items have a lot of different sizes, choose a few that are pretty different, use element inspector, read their sizes, and calculate an average. This average will work great, don't worry about solving for different devices sizes. There's enough tolerance internally.
  • If you run into a situation where more than one value seems like a good fit, pick the smaller one.

Deep dive

FlashList doesn't know the size of its children before they're rendered. When the list is loading, it needs to decide how many items to render. There are only few choices here:

  • Render a fixed number of items: A default number of items to render on load may not be right for all devices and it should ideally depend on screen size. Drawing smaller number of items will show up blank space on load and drawing too many will increase load time.
  • Use a default value for estimatedItemSize: If we use a default size for items on launch, we still run into problems. Let's say we use 50px as the default, without you being aware of this, and you're rendering a list with large items like a news feed where items are complex. Let's say the actual rendered size is around 500px. Based on this assumption, we will draw 20 items on load if the screen size is 1000px while we should only draw 2. This result is not optimal, and you may not even realize how much faster loads can be.
  • Take estimatedItemSize from developers: Instead of trying to hide away this requirement, we're letting you make the decision. We have decided to use a size estimate and not an initial count to render because size is a more stable value across device sizes.

We currently keep estimatedItemSize optional but strongly recommend you to set it. If you don't, you will get a warning with suggestion to set it to a value equal to the average item size from the first render.

Impact on scroll

During very quick scrolls, if offsets are changing very quickly, FlashList might run into a situation where it needs to prepare more than one item. This is just another version of the same problem. If your estimates are too big compared to actual sizes, FlashList might think that a small number of items is enough to fill the screen and you might see blanks. This is the primary reason we suggest using a smaller value if you're confused between the two of them. Drawing a few more items is better than showing blanks. With FlashList, we don't expect blanks unless components are very slow or estimatedItemSize is too big compared to actual sizes.

Impact of number of items drawn on responsiveness

Having a few items on the screen is great for performance and responsiveness. Small render tree is much faster to update. Let's say there's a checkbox within your list items and you store their selected state in a store. You'd want this checkbox to be extremely responsive while changing states and having a large render tree will prevent that from happening. Many of you might have seen this problem in FlatList.

FlatList has a default windowSize of 21 which means that, on a 1000px tall device, it will draw about 10,000px at the bottom and at the top of currently visible window. FlashList in comparison will only draw 250px extra on the top and bottom irrespective of the screen size. You will be amazed with how responsive things become when we have a very small number of items and that's why we care so much about it.

Impact of having wrong estimatedItemSize

  • Please note FlashList will not overlap or show gaps between items due to incorrect values provided here.
  • If the estimate is much higher than actual values, you may see few items load on screen and then immediately more will show up. During fast scroll you may see some blank area. It's not because things have become slow. The list just doesn't know that it has not drawn enough. Once the list knows the actual sizes of items it won't rely on estimates and that's why on scrolling up you may not see the same problem.
  • If the estimate is much smaller than actual values, not much will change visibly but you will be drawing more than necessary. If your components are complex, load times might increase.

Future Revisions

We're looking at ways to remove this requirement by leveraging Fabric. In the short term, we plan to compute this average after the initial load to prevent issues during quick scrolls. The value provided will be also more relevant for load time optimization.