import {mapDiscountsAndLines} from './utilities/cart-mapping-utils';
// NOTE: fields such as availableShippingRates are not included because they are not queried by the JS Buy SDK
completedAt: null,
order: null,
orderStatusUrl: null,
ready: false,
requiresShipping: true,
shippingLine: null,
taxExempt: false,
taxesIncluded: false
export function mapCartPayload(cart) {
if (!cart) { return null; }
const result = mapDiscountsAndLines(cart);
const discountApplications = result.discountApplications;
const cartLinesWithDiscounts = result.cartLinesWithDiscounts;
const buyerIdentity = {
countryCode: cart.buyerIdentity && cart.buyerIdentity.countryCode
let email = null;
if (cart.buyerIdentity && {
email =;
let shippingAddress = null;
if (cart.buyerIdentity &&
cart.buyerIdentity.deliveryAddressPreferences &&
cart.buyerIdentity.deliveryAddressPreferences.length) {
shippingAddress = cart.buyerIdentity.deliveryAddressPreferences[0];
let currencyCode = null;
let totalAmount = null;
let totalTaxAmount = null;
let totalDutyAmount = null;
let checkoutChargeAmount = null;
if (cart.cost) {
if (cart.cost.totalAmount) {
currencyCode = cart.cost.totalAmount.currencyCode;
totalAmount = cart.cost.totalAmount;
if (cart.cost.totalTaxAmount) {
totalTaxAmount = cart.cost.totalTaxAmount;
if (cart.cost.totalDutyAmount) {
totalDutyAmount = cart.cost.totalDutyAmount;
if (cart.cost.checkoutChargeAmount) {
checkoutChargeAmount = cart.cost.checkoutChargeAmount;
const appliedGiftCards = cart.appliedGiftCards || [];
let totalPrice = null;
// This field will be defined in the API, but we're making it "optional" here so that our
// unit tests for other fields work while only passing in the relevant fields
if (totalAmount) {
totalPrice = calculateTotalPrice(cart, totalAmount);
let subtotalPrice = null;
// This field will be defined in the API, but we're making it "optional" here so that our
// unit tests for other fields work while only passing in the relevant fields
if (totalPrice) {
subtotalPrice = calculateSubtotalPrice(totalPrice, totalDutyAmount, totalTaxAmount);
const checkoutPayload = Object.assign({
createdAt: cart.createdAt,
customAttributes: cart.attributes,
lineItems: cartLinesWithDiscounts,
lineItemsSubtotalPrice: checkoutChargeAmount,
note: cart.note,
paymentDue: totalAmount,
paymentDueV2: totalAmount,
subtotalPriceV2: subtotalPrice,
totalPriceV2: totalPrice,
totalTax: totalTaxAmount || getDefaultMoneyObject(currencyCode, totalAmount),
totalTaxV2: totalTaxAmount || getDefaultMoneyObject(currencyCode, totalAmount),
updatedAt: cart.updatedAt,
webUrl: cart.checkoutUrl
return checkoutPayload;
* @description Normalize all currency fields in the checkout payload to contain
* the same number of decimal places that would be returned by the storefront API.
* In the storefront API, currency amounts are returned as a string that contains
* 1 decimal place (if the 2nd decimal place is 0) or else 2 decimal places.
* In our mapping functions, we are typically converting to strings with 2 decimal
* places. In case any clients of the JS Buy SDK are relying only a single decimal
* place being returned in some cases, we want to normalize the decimal places.
function normalizeCartMoneyFieldDecimalPlaces(checkout) {
// The fields that we have mapped the currency for (that we therefore need to normalize)
// are: discountApplication amounts, subtotalPrice, and totalPrice.
if (checkout.discountApplications) {
for (let i = 0; i < checkout.discountApplications.length; i++) {
if (typeof checkout.discountApplications[i].value.percentage !== 'undefined') {
const discountApplicationAmount = checkout.discountApplications[i].value.amount.toString();
if (!shouldReturnWithOneDecimalPlace(discountApplicationAmount)) {
checkout.discountApplications[i].value.amount = convertToOneDecimalPlace(discountApplicationAmount);
if (checkout.lineItems) {
for (let i = 0; i < checkout.lineItems.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < checkout.lineItems[i].discountAllocations.length; j++) {
const discountApplication = checkout.lineItems[i].discountAllocations[j].discountApplication;
if (typeof discountApplication.value.percentage !== 'undefined') {
const discountApplicationAmount = discountApplication.value.amount.toString();
if (!shouldReturnWithOneDecimalPlace(discountApplicationAmount)) {
discountApplication.value.amount = convertToOneDecimalPlace(discountApplicationAmount);
if (checkout.subtotalPrice) {
if (shouldReturnWithOneDecimalPlace(checkout.subtotalPrice.amount)) {
checkout.subtotalPrice.amount = convertToOneDecimalPlace(checkout.subtotalPrice.amount);
checkout.subtotalPriceV2.amount = convertToOneDecimalPlace(checkout.subtotalPriceV2.amount);
if (checkout.totalPrice) {
if (shouldReturnWithOneDecimalPlace(checkout.totalPrice.amount)) {
checkout.totalPrice.amount = convertToOneDecimalPlace(checkout.totalPrice.amount);
checkout.totalPriceV2.amount = convertToOneDecimalPlace(checkout.totalPriceV2.amount);
* @description Whether the SF API would return this amount with 1 decimal place
* (as opposed to 2 decimal places). See normalizeCartMoneyFieldDecimalPlaces
* for more information.
* @param {string} currency field to check
* @returns {boolean} whether the SF API would return this amount with 1 decimal place
function shouldReturnWithOneDecimalPlace(amount) {
if (!amount || !amount.toString().includes('.')) {
return false;
const currencyDecimals = amount.toString().split('.')[1];
if (currencyDecimals.length === 2 && currencyDecimals[1] === '0') {
return true;
return false;
function convertToOneDecimalPlace(stringAmount) {
return parseFloat(stringAmount).toFixed(1);
function getDefaultMoneyObject(currencyCode, totalAmount) {
return {
amount: '0.0',
type: totalAmount && totalAmount.type
function calculateTotalPrice(cart, totalAmount) {
if (!cart.appliedGiftCards || !cart.appliedGiftCards.length) {
return totalAmount;
// Assuming cart's totalAmount will have the same currency code as gift cards' presentmentAmountUsed
let giftCardTotal = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < cart.appliedGiftCards.length; i++) {
giftCardTotal += parseFloat(cart.appliedGiftCards[i].presentmentAmountUsed.amount);
return {
amount: (parseFloat(totalAmount.amount) + giftCardTotal).toFixed(2),
currencyCode: totalAmount.currencyCode,
type: totalAmount.type
function calculateSubtotalPrice(totalPrice, totalDutyAmount, totalTaxAmount) {
const dutyAmount = totalDutyAmount ? totalDutyAmount.amount : 0;
const taxAmount = totalTaxAmount ? totalTaxAmount.amount : 0;
return {
amount: (parseFloat(totalPrice.amount) - parseFloat(dutyAmount) - parseFloat(taxAmount)).toFixed(2),
currencyCode: totalPrice.currencyCode,
type: totalPrice.type