• Renders output from concurrent processes to the terminal. Output will be divided in a three column layout with the left column containing the timestamp, the right column containing the output, and the middle column containing the process prefix. Every process will be rendered with a different color, up to 4 colors.

    For example running shopify app dev:

    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend    | npm
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend | WARN ignoring workspace config at ...
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend |
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend |
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend | > shopify-app-template-node@0.1.0 dev
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend | > cross-env NODE_ENV=development nodemon backend/index.js --watch ./backend
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend |
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend |
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | frontend |
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | frontend | > starter-react-frontend-app@0.1.0 dev
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | frontend | > cross-env NODE_ENV=development node vite-server.js
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | frontend |
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | frontend |
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend |
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend | [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend | [nodemon] watching path(s): backend/
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend | [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend | [nodemon] starting `node backend/index.js`
    2022-10-10 13:11:03 | backend |


    • props: PropsWithChildren<ConcurrentOutputProps>
    • Optional context: any

    Returns null | ReactElement<any, any>