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The BuyNowButton component renders a button that adds an item to the cart and redirects the customer to checkout.

Example code

import {BuyNowButton} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

export function MyComponent() {
return (
<BuyNowButton quantity={1} variantId={'123'}>
Buy it now
// Override `onClick` default behavior
import {BuyNowButton} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

export function MyComponent() {
const handleCustomOnClick = (event) => {
event.preventDefault(); // prevents button from triggering default behaviour
// custom click handler code

return (
<BuyNowButton quantity={1} variantId={'123'} onClick={handleCustomOnClick}>
Buy it now
// Run an async action before the default `onClick` behaviour
import {BuyNowButton} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

export function MyComponent() {
const performed = useRef();
const buttonRef = useRef();

const handleCustomOnClick = async (event) => {
if (performed.current) {
performed.current = false;

event.preventDefault(); // stop default behaviour
console.log(`Performing custom action...`);
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500));
console.log(`Custom action complete!`);

performed.current = true; // prevents retriggering; // trigger button default behaviour

return (
Buy it now


quantity?numberThe item quantity. Defaults to 1.
variantIdstringThe ID of the variant.
attributes?Object<<wbr>string, string<wbr>>[]An array of cart line attributes that belong to the item being added to the cart.
childrenReactNode<<wbr>Imported<wbr>>Any ReactNode elements.
onClick?(event?: React.MouseEvent<<wbr>HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent<wbr>>) => void &#124; boolean;A click event handler. Default behaviour triggers the click event, unless prevented.
buttonRef?Ref<<wbr>HTMLButtonElement<wbr>> A reference to the underlying button.
as?React.ElementType with button as defaultProvides a React element or component to render as the underlying button.
For accessibility compliance, use either a button element or a component that renders an underlying button.

Component type

The BuyNowButton component is a shared component, which means that it renders on both the server and the client. For more information about component types, refer to React Server Components.