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The Image component renders an image for the Storefront API's Image object by using the data prop, or a custom location by using the src prop.

The component outputs an <img> element. You can customize this component using passthrough props.

An image's width and height are determined using the following priority list:

  1. The width and height values for the loaderOptions prop
  2. The width and height values for bare props
  3. The width and height values for the data prop

If only one of width or height are defined, then the other will attempt to be calculated based on the image's aspect ratio, provided that both data.width and data.height are available. If data.width and data.height aren't available, then the aspect ratio can't be determined and the missing value will be null.

Example code

/** Storefront API images */

import {Image, gql} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

const QUERY = gql`
productByHandle(handle: "my-product") {
featuredImage {

export default function Product() {
const {data} = useShopQuery({query: QUERY});

const image = data.productByHandle.featuredImage;

return <Image data={image} />;
/** External images */

import {Image} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
export default function ExternalImage() {
return <Image src="" width={500} height={500} />;
/** External images with a custom loader */

import {Image} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
const imageLoader = ({src, width, height, scale}) => {
return `${src}?w=${width}&h=${height}&scale=${scale}`;
export default function ExternalImageWithLoader() {
return (
loaderOptions={{scale: 2}}


dataPartialDeep&#60;ImageType&#62;An object with fields that correspond to the Storefront API's Image object. The data prop is required if src isn't used, but both props shouldn't be used at the same time. If both src and data are passed, then data takes priority.
srcstringA URL string. This string can be an absolute path or a relative path depending on the loader. The src prop is required if data isn't used, but both props shouldn't be used at the same time. If both src and data are passed, then data takes priority.
widthnumber &#124; stringThe integer or string value for the width of the image. This is a required prop when src is present.
heightheight &#124; stringThe integer or string value for the height of the image. This is a required prop when src is present.
loader?(props: ShopifyLoaderParams &#124; LoaderOptions) => stringA custom function that generates the image URL. Parameters passed in are either ShopifyLoaderParams if using the data prop, or the LoaderOptions object that you pass to loaderOptions.
loaderOptions?ShopifyLoaderOptions &#124; LoaderOptionsAn object of loader function options. For example, if the loader function requires a scale option, then the value can be a property of the loaderOptions object (for example, {scale: 2}). When the data prop is used, the object shape will be ShopifyLoaderOptions. When the src prop is used, the data shape is whatever you define it to be, and this shape will be passed to loader.
widths?(number &#124; string)[]An array of pixel widths to overwrite the default-generated srcset. For example, [300, 600, 800]. This prop only applies to images from Shopify CDN.
decoding?('async' &#124; 'sync' &#124; 'auto')The decoding property of the HTMLImageElement interface represents a hint given to the browser on how to decode the image. Defaults to async .

Required fields

When using the data prop, the Image component requires the following fields from the Storefront API's Image object:


Component type

The Image component is a shared component, which means that it renders on both the server and the client. For more information about component types, refer to React Server Components.

Image size options

You can change the size and format of the image returned by the Shopify CDN.

widthThe integer or string value for the pixel width of the image. For example, 100px. This is a required prop when src is present.
heightThe integer or string value for the pixel height of the image. For example, 100px. This is a required prop when src is present.
cropValid values: top, bottom, left, right, or center.
scaleValid values: 2 or 3.