Shopify SDK for Unity
Classes | Functions
Shopify.Unity.GraphQL Namespace Reference


class  ApiVersionQuery
 A version of the API. More...
class  AppliedGiftCardQuery
 Details about the gift card used on the checkout. More...
class  ArticleAuthorQuery
 The author of an article. More...
class  ArticleConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Articles. More...
class  ArticleEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Article and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  ArticleQuery
 An article in an online store blog. More...
class  AttributeQuery
 Represents a generic custom attribute. More...
class  AutomaticDiscountApplicationQuery
 Automatic discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was automatically applied. More...
class  AvailableShippingRatesQuery
 A collection of available shipping rates for a checkout. More...
class  BlogConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Blogs. More...
class  BlogEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Blog and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  BlogQuery
 An online store blog. More...
class  CheckoutAttributesUpdatePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutAttributesUpdate mutation. More...
class  CheckoutAttributesUpdateV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutAttributesUpdateV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCompleteFreePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCompleteFree mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardPayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCompleteWithCreditCard mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentPayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPayment mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCreatePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCreate mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCustomerAssociatePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCustomerAssociate mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCustomerAssociateV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCustomerAssociateV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCustomerDisassociatePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCustomerDisassociate mutation. More...
class  CheckoutCustomerDisassociateV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutCustomerDisassociateV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyPayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeApply mutation. More...
class  CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeApplyV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutDiscountCodeRemovePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeRemove mutation. More...
class  CheckoutEmailUpdatePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutEmailUpdate mutation. More...
class  CheckoutEmailUpdateV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutEmailUpdateV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutGiftCardApplyPayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutGiftCardApply mutation. More...
class  CheckoutGiftCardRemovePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutGiftCardRemove mutation. More...
class  CheckoutGiftCardRemoveV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutGiftCardRemoveV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutGiftCardsAppendPayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutGiftCardsAppend mutation. More...
class  CheckoutLineItemConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple CheckoutLineItems. More...
class  CheckoutLineItemEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one CheckoutLineItem and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  CheckoutLineItemQuery
 A single line item in the checkout, grouped by variant and attributes. More...
class  CheckoutLineItemsAddPayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutLineItemsAdd mutation. More...
class  CheckoutLineItemsRemovePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutLineItemsRemove mutation. More...
class  CheckoutLineItemsReplacePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutLineItemsReplace mutation. More...
class  CheckoutLineItemsUpdatePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutLineItemsUpdate mutation. More...
class  CheckoutQuery
 A container for all the information required to checkout items and pay. More...
class  CheckoutShippingAddressUpdatePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutShippingAddressUpdate mutation. More...
class  CheckoutShippingAddressUpdateV2payloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutShippingAddressUpdateV2 mutation. More...
class  CheckoutShippingLineUpdatePayloadQuery
 Return type for checkoutShippingLineUpdate mutation. More...
class  CheckoutUserErrorQuery
 Represents an error that happens during execution of a checkout mutation. More...
class  CollectionConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Collections. More...
class  CollectionEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Collection and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  CollectionQuery
 A collection represents a grouping of products that a shop owner can create to organize them or make their shops easier to browse. More...
class  CommentAuthorQuery
 The author of a comment. More...
class  CommentConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Comments. More...
class  CommentEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Comment and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  CommentQuery
 A comment on an article. More...
class  CreditCardQuery
 Credit card information used for a payment. More...
class  CustomerAccessTokenCreatePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerAccessTokenCreate mutation. More...
class  CustomerAccessTokenDeletePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerAccessTokenDelete mutation. More...
class  CustomerAccessTokenQuery
 A CustomerAccessToken represents the unique token required to make modifications to the customer object. More...
class  CustomerAccessTokenRenewPayloadQuery
 Return type for customerAccessTokenRenew mutation. More...
class  CustomerActivatePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerActivate mutation. More...
class  CustomerAddressCreatePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerAddressCreate mutation. More...
class  CustomerAddressDeletePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerAddressDelete mutation. More...
class  CustomerAddressUpdatePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerAddressUpdate mutation. More...
class  CustomerCreatePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerCreate mutation. More...
class  CustomerDefaultAddressUpdatePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerDefaultAddressUpdate mutation. More...
class  CustomerQuery
 A customer represents a customer account with the shop. Customer accounts store contact information for the customer, saving logged-in customers the trouble of having to provide it at every checkout. More...
class  CustomerRecoverPayloadQuery
 Return type for customerRecover mutation. More...
class  CustomerResetByUrlPayloadQuery
 Return type for customerResetByUrl mutation. More...
class  CustomerResetPayloadQuery
 Return type for customerReset mutation. More...
class  CustomerUpdatePayloadQuery
 Return type for customerUpdate mutation. More...
class  CustomerUserErrorQuery
 Represents an error that happens during execution of a customer mutation. More...
class  DiscountAllocationQuery
 An amount discounting the line that has been allocated by a discount. More...
class  DiscountApplicationConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple DiscountApplications. More...
class  DiscountApplicationEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one DiscountApplication and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  DiscountApplicationQuery
 Discount applications capture the intentions of a discount source at the time of application. More...
class  DiscountCodeApplicationQuery
 Discount code applications capture the intentions of a discount code at the time that it is applied. More...
class  DisplayableErrorQuery
 Represents an error in the input of a mutation. More...
class  DomainQuery
 Represents a web address. More...
class  ExternalVideoQuery
 Represents a video hosted outside of Shopify. More...
class  FulfillmentLineItemConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple FulfillmentLineItems. More...
class  FulfillmentLineItemEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one FulfillmentLineItem and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  FulfillmentLineItemQuery
 Represents a single line item in a fulfillment. There is at most one fulfillment line item for each order line item. More...
class  FulfillmentQuery
 Represents a single fulfillment in an order. More...
class  FulfillmentTrackingInfoQuery
 Tracking information associated with the fulfillment. More...
class  HasMetafieldsQuery
 Represents information about the metafields associated to the specified resource. More...
class  ImageConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Images. More...
class  ImageEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Image and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  ImageQuery
 Represents an image resource. More...
class  MailingAddressConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MailingAddresses. More...
class  MailingAddressEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one MailingAddress and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  MailingAddressQuery
 Represents a mailing address for customers and shipping. More...
class  ManualDiscountApplicationQuery
 Manual discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was manually created. More...
class  MediaConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Media. More...
class  MediaEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Media and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  MediaImageQuery
 Represents a Shopify hosted image. More...
class  MediaQuery
 Represents a media interface. More...
class  MetafieldConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Metafields. More...
class  MetafieldEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Metafield and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  MetafieldParentResourceQuery
 A resource that the metafield belongs to. More...
class  MetafieldQuery
 Metafields represent custom metadata attached to a resource. Metafields can be sorted into namespaces and are comprised of keys, values, and value types. More...
class  Model3dQuery
 Represents a Shopify hosted 3D model. More...
class  Model3dSourceQuery
 Represents a source for a Shopify hosted 3d model. More...
class  MoneyV2connectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MoneyV2s. More...
class  MoneyV2edgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one MoneyV2 and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  MoneyV2Query
 A monetary value with currency. More...
class  MutationQuery
 MutationQuery is the root mutation builder. All Storefront API mutation queries are built off of MutationQuery. More...
class  NodeQuery
 An object with an ID to support global identification. More...
class  OrderConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Orders. More...
class  OrderEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Order and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  OrderLineItemConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple OrderLineItems. More...
class  OrderLineItemEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one OrderLineItem and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  OrderLineItemQuery
 Represents a single line in an order. There is one line item for each distinct product variant. More...
class  OrderQuery
 An order is a customer’s completed request to purchase one or more products from a shop. An order is created when a customer completes the checkout process, during which time they provides an email address, billing address and payment information. More...
class  PageConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Pages. More...
class  PageEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Page and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  PageInfoQuery
 Information about pagination in a connection. More...
class  PageQuery
 Shopify merchants can create pages to hold static HTML content. Each Page object represents a custom page on the online store. More...
class  PaymentQuery
 A payment applied to a checkout. More...
class  PaymentSettingsQuery
 Settings related to payments. More...
class  PricingPercentageValueQuery
 The value of the percentage pricing object. More...
class  PricingValueQuery
 The price value (fixed or percentage) for a discount application. More...
class  ProductConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Products. More...
class  ProductEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one Product and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  ProductOptionQuery
 Product property names like "Size", "Color", and "Material" that the customers can select. Variants are selected based on permutations of these options. 255 characters limit each. More...
class  ProductPriceRangeConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductPriceRanges. More...
class  ProductPriceRangeEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one ProductPriceRange and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  ProductPriceRangeQuery
 The price range of the product. More...
class  ProductQuery
 A product represents an individual item for sale in a Shopify store. Products are often physical, but they don't have to be. For example, a digital download (such as a movie, music or ebook file) also qualifies as a product, as do services (such as equipment rental, work for hire, customization of another product or an extended warranty). More...
class  ProductVariantConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariants. More...
class  ProductVariantEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one ProductVariant and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  ProductVariantPricePairConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariantPricePairs. More...
class  ProductVariantPricePairEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one ProductVariantPricePair and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  ProductVariantPricePairQuery
 The compare-at price and price of a variant sharing a currency. More...
class  ProductVariantQuery
 A product variant represents a different version of a product, such as differing sizes or differing colors. More...
class  QueryRootQuery
 QueryRootQuery is the root query builder. All Storefront API queries are built off of QueryRootQuery. More...
class  ScriptDiscountApplicationQuery
 Script discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was created by a Shopify Script. More...
class  SelectedOptionQuery
 Properties used by customers to select a product variant. Products can have multiple options, like different sizes or colors. More...
class  SeoQuery
 SEO information. More...
class  ShippingRateQuery
 A shipping rate to be applied to a checkout. More...
class  ShopPolicyQuery
 Policy that a merchant has configured for their store, such as their refund or privacy policy. More...
class  ShopQuery
 Shop represents a collection of the general settings and information about the shop. More...
class  StringConnectionQuery
 An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Strings. More...
class  StringEdgeQuery
 An auto-generated type which holds one String and a cursor during pagination. More...
class  TransactionQuery
 An object representing exchange of money for a product or service. More...
class  UnitPriceMeasurementQuery
 The measurement used to calculate a unit price for a product variant (e.g. $9.99 / 100ml). More...
class  UserErrorQuery
 Represents an error in the input of a mutation. More...
class  VideoQuery
 Represents a Shopify hosted video. More...
class  VideoSourceQuery
 Represents a source for a Shopify hosted video. More...


delegate void ApiVersionDelegate (ApiVersionQuery query)
delegate void AppliedGiftCardDelegate (AppliedGiftCardQuery query)
delegate void ArticleAuthorDelegate (ArticleAuthorQuery query)
delegate void ArticleConnectionDelegate (ArticleConnectionQuery query)
delegate void ArticleEdgeDelegate (ArticleEdgeQuery query)
delegate void ArticleDelegate (ArticleQuery query)
delegate void AttributeDelegate (AttributeQuery query)
delegate void AutomaticDiscountApplicationDelegate (AutomaticDiscountApplicationQuery query)
delegate void AvailableShippingRatesDelegate (AvailableShippingRatesQuery query)
delegate void BlogConnectionDelegate (BlogConnectionQuery query)
delegate void BlogEdgeDelegate (BlogEdgeQuery query)
delegate void BlogDelegate (BlogQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutAttributesUpdatePayloadDelegate (CheckoutAttributesUpdatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutAttributesUpdateV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutAttributesUpdateV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCompleteFreePayloadDelegate (CheckoutCompleteFreePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardPayloadDelegate (CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentPayloadDelegate (CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCreatePayloadDelegate (CheckoutCreatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCustomerAssociatePayloadDelegate (CheckoutCustomerAssociatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCustomerAssociateV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutCustomerAssociateV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCustomerDisassociatePayloadDelegate (CheckoutCustomerDisassociatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutCustomerDisassociateV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutCustomerDisassociateV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyPayloadDelegate (CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutDiscountCodeRemovePayloadDelegate (CheckoutDiscountCodeRemovePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutEmailUpdatePayloadDelegate (CheckoutEmailUpdatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutEmailUpdateV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutEmailUpdateV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutGiftCardApplyPayloadDelegate (CheckoutGiftCardApplyPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutGiftCardRemovePayloadDelegate (CheckoutGiftCardRemovePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutGiftCardRemoveV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutGiftCardRemoveV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutGiftCardsAppendPayloadDelegate (CheckoutGiftCardsAppendPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutLineItemConnectionDelegate (CheckoutLineItemConnectionQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutLineItemEdgeDelegate (CheckoutLineItemEdgeQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutLineItemDelegate (CheckoutLineItemQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutLineItemsAddPayloadDelegate (CheckoutLineItemsAddPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutLineItemsRemovePayloadDelegate (CheckoutLineItemsRemovePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutLineItemsReplacePayloadDelegate (CheckoutLineItemsReplacePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutLineItemsUpdatePayloadDelegate (CheckoutLineItemsUpdatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutDelegate (CheckoutQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutShippingAddressUpdatePayloadDelegate (CheckoutShippingAddressUpdatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutShippingAddressUpdateV2payloadDelegate (CheckoutShippingAddressUpdateV2payloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutShippingLineUpdatePayloadDelegate (CheckoutShippingLineUpdatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CheckoutUserErrorDelegate (CheckoutUserErrorQuery query)
delegate void CollectionConnectionDelegate (CollectionConnectionQuery query)
delegate void CollectionEdgeDelegate (CollectionEdgeQuery query)
delegate void CollectionDelegate (CollectionQuery query)
delegate void CommentAuthorDelegate (CommentAuthorQuery query)
delegate void CommentConnectionDelegate (CommentConnectionQuery query)
delegate void CommentEdgeDelegate (CommentEdgeQuery query)
delegate void CommentDelegate (CommentQuery query)
delegate void CreditCardDelegate (CreditCardQuery query)
delegate void CustomerAccessTokenCreatePayloadDelegate (CustomerAccessTokenCreatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerAccessTokenDeletePayloadDelegate (CustomerAccessTokenDeletePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerAccessTokenDelegate (CustomerAccessTokenQuery query)
delegate void CustomerAccessTokenRenewPayloadDelegate (CustomerAccessTokenRenewPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerActivatePayloadDelegate (CustomerActivatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerAddressCreatePayloadDelegate (CustomerAddressCreatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerAddressDeletePayloadDelegate (CustomerAddressDeletePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerAddressUpdatePayloadDelegate (CustomerAddressUpdatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerCreatePayloadDelegate (CustomerCreatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerDefaultAddressUpdatePayloadDelegate (CustomerDefaultAddressUpdatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerDelegate (CustomerQuery query)
delegate void CustomerRecoverPayloadDelegate (CustomerRecoverPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerResetByUrlPayloadDelegate (CustomerResetByUrlPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerResetPayloadDelegate (CustomerResetPayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerUpdatePayloadDelegate (CustomerUpdatePayloadQuery query)
delegate void CustomerUserErrorDelegate (CustomerUserErrorQuery query)
delegate void DiscountAllocationDelegate (DiscountAllocationQuery query)
delegate void DiscountApplicationConnectionDelegate (DiscountApplicationConnectionQuery query)
delegate void DiscountApplicationEdgeDelegate (DiscountApplicationEdgeQuery query)
delegate void DiscountApplicationDelegate (DiscountApplicationQuery query)
delegate void DiscountCodeApplicationDelegate (DiscountCodeApplicationQuery query)
delegate void DisplayableErrorDelegate (DisplayableErrorQuery query)
delegate void DomainDelegate (DomainQuery query)
delegate void ExternalVideoDelegate (ExternalVideoQuery query)
delegate void FulfillmentLineItemConnectionDelegate (FulfillmentLineItemConnectionQuery query)
delegate void FulfillmentLineItemEdgeDelegate (FulfillmentLineItemEdgeQuery query)
delegate void FulfillmentLineItemDelegate (FulfillmentLineItemQuery query)
delegate void FulfillmentDelegate (FulfillmentQuery query)
delegate void FulfillmentTrackingInfoDelegate (FulfillmentTrackingInfoQuery query)
delegate void HasMetafieldsDelegate (HasMetafieldsQuery query)
delegate void ImageConnectionDelegate (ImageConnectionQuery query)
delegate void ImageEdgeDelegate (ImageEdgeQuery query)
delegate void ImageDelegate (ImageQuery query)
delegate void MailingAddressConnectionDelegate (MailingAddressConnectionQuery query)
delegate void MailingAddressEdgeDelegate (MailingAddressEdgeQuery query)
delegate void MailingAddressDelegate (MailingAddressQuery query)
delegate void ManualDiscountApplicationDelegate (ManualDiscountApplicationQuery query)
delegate void MediaConnectionDelegate (MediaConnectionQuery query)
delegate void MediaEdgeDelegate (MediaEdgeQuery query)
delegate void MediaImageDelegate (MediaImageQuery query)
delegate void MediaDelegate (MediaQuery query)
delegate void MetafieldConnectionDelegate (MetafieldConnectionQuery query)
delegate void MetafieldEdgeDelegate (MetafieldEdgeQuery query)
delegate void MetafieldParentResourceDelegate (MetafieldParentResourceQuery query)
delegate void MetafieldDelegate (MetafieldQuery query)
delegate void Model3dDelegate (Model3dQuery query)
delegate void Model3dSourceDelegate (Model3dSourceQuery query)
delegate void MoneyV2connectionDelegate (MoneyV2connectionQuery query)
delegate void MoneyV2edgeDelegate (MoneyV2edgeQuery query)
delegate void MoneyV2Delegate (MoneyV2Query query)
delegate void MutationDelegate (MutationQuery query)
delegate void NodeDelegate (NodeQuery query)
delegate void OrderConnectionDelegate (OrderConnectionQuery query)
delegate void OrderEdgeDelegate (OrderEdgeQuery query)
delegate void OrderLineItemConnectionDelegate (OrderLineItemConnectionQuery query)
delegate void OrderLineItemEdgeDelegate (OrderLineItemEdgeQuery query)
delegate void OrderLineItemDelegate (OrderLineItemQuery query)
delegate void OrderDelegate (OrderQuery query)
delegate void PageConnectionDelegate (PageConnectionQuery query)
delegate void PageEdgeDelegate (PageEdgeQuery query)
delegate void PageInfoDelegate (PageInfoQuery query)
delegate void PageDelegate (PageQuery query)
delegate void PaymentDelegate (PaymentQuery query)
delegate void PaymentSettingsDelegate (PaymentSettingsQuery query)
delegate void PricingPercentageValueDelegate (PricingPercentageValueQuery query)
delegate void PricingValueDelegate (PricingValueQuery query)
delegate void ProductConnectionDelegate (ProductConnectionQuery query)
delegate void ProductEdgeDelegate (ProductEdgeQuery query)
delegate void ProductOptionDelegate (ProductOptionQuery query)
delegate void ProductPriceRangeConnectionDelegate (ProductPriceRangeConnectionQuery query)
delegate void ProductPriceRangeEdgeDelegate (ProductPriceRangeEdgeQuery query)
delegate void ProductPriceRangeDelegate (ProductPriceRangeQuery query)
delegate void ProductDelegate (ProductQuery query)
delegate void ProductVariantConnectionDelegate (ProductVariantConnectionQuery query)
delegate void ProductVariantEdgeDelegate (ProductVariantEdgeQuery query)
delegate void ProductVariantPricePairConnectionDelegate (ProductVariantPricePairConnectionQuery query)
delegate void ProductVariantPricePairEdgeDelegate (ProductVariantPricePairEdgeQuery query)
delegate void ProductVariantPricePairDelegate (ProductVariantPricePairQuery query)
delegate void ProductVariantDelegate (ProductVariantQuery query)
delegate void QueryRootDelegate (QueryRootQuery query)
delegate void ScriptDiscountApplicationDelegate (ScriptDiscountApplicationQuery query)
delegate void SelectedOptionDelegate (SelectedOptionQuery query)
delegate void SeoDelegate (SeoQuery query)
delegate void ShippingRateDelegate (ShippingRateQuery query)
delegate void ShopPolicyDelegate (ShopPolicyQuery query)
delegate void ShopDelegate (ShopQuery query)
delegate void StringConnectionDelegate (StringConnectionQuery query)
delegate void StringEdgeDelegate (StringEdgeQuery query)
delegate void TransactionDelegate (TransactionQuery query)
delegate void UnitPriceMeasurementDelegate (UnitPriceMeasurementQuery query)
delegate void UserErrorDelegate (UserErrorQuery query)
delegate void VideoDelegate (VideoQuery query)
delegate void VideoSourceDelegate (VideoSourceQuery query)