Getting startedΒΆ

This guide walks you through installing and running an example benchmark implemented with mybench.

To download and compile examplebench:

$ git clone
$ cd mybench
$ make examplebench

This will compile examplebench into a folder called build. To run examplebench, you must first seed the database:

$ build/examplebench \ \
   --user=username \
   --pass=password \

You need to replace the with the host or IP address of MySQL, username with the username you can connect with, and password with the password you can connect to. This will load the database with 1 million rows of data (in the table example_table in the database mybench).

Once this is done, you can then run the benchmark:

$ build/examplebench \ \
   --user=username \
   --pass=password \
   --bench \

The default event rate for examplebench is 1000 event/s split evenly between its various workloads. The --eventrate=10000 option overrides this, specifying an event rate 10x the default, automatically distributed among the defined workloads. You can then go to https://localhost:8005 to see the real-time monitoring UI. This should show something similar to:


By default, the test will go on indefinitely (a fixed duration can be specified using a config option). Pressing CTRL+C will abort the test. The data will be saved into a file called data.sqlite.

TODO: a bit more about how to use the post processing scripts.