Tutorial: Writing and running a custom benchmark

Writing a custom benchmark for mybench requires implementing at least two interfaces, mybench.WorkloadInterface and mybench.BenchmarkInterface. As noted in the architecture doc, a Benchmark contains multiple Workloads, where each Workload implements an Event() function. An example Workload could be one that issues a particular sequence of queries for one web request, while a different Workload could issue a different sequence of queries for a different web request.

To create a benchmark, it is important to model the workload first. A model of the system is a simplified version of the production system that still contains most of the fundamental behaviors of the production system. Creating a suitable model that matches up with production requires careful examination of the traffic and query patterns of the system, as well as the system setup itself (such as CPU, memory, disk, and other “physical” constraints). It also requires validation of the model with the production workload by comparing and explaining the similarities and differences of the throughput and latency results obtained in both benchmark and in production. Model creation and validation is outside the scope of this document. Instead, this tutorial aims to teach you how to implement a model in mybench via a simple example.

Modeling the workload

The simple example we implement is of a simple microblogging service called Chirp where users can read and write on a single table called chirps. Before writing the code, we start by documenting the table definition and the workloads.

Table definition

The service is a simplified model and thus does not have the concept of users. We only have a single table with the following columns:

Column name

Column type







This table also has the following indices:

  • PRIMARY KEY (id)

  • KEY (created_at)

Workload definition

There are three workloads that query the chirps table:

One workload consists of reading the 200 latest chirps via the following query, which makes up 75% of the traffic:

SELECT * FROM chirps ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 200

A second workload consists of reading a single chirp based on its id. This query makes up 20% of the traffic:

SELECT * FROM chirps WHERE id = ?

The third workload consists of the creation of a new chirp with the following query, which makes up 5% of the traffic:


The length of the data in the content field for each row in the chirps table will be generated following a predefined histogram distribution. This is discussed further later, in Defining the table and data generators.

Initial data

Since Chirp is a web-scale microblogging platform, we assume that we already have 10 million chirps in the database.

Creating a project structure

Note: all code for this tutorial can be found here.

Mybench is designed to be used as a library. The first step to creating a benchmark involves importing mybench via go mod:

$ mkdir tutorialbench && cd tutorialbench
$ go mod init example.com/tutorialbench
$ go get github.com/Shopify/mybench

For this project, let’s create four files:

  • main.go: this starts the command line program that corresponds to the benchmark.

  • table_chirps.go: this contains the definition of the chirps table and the data generator for each column via mybench.Table.

  • workload_read_latest_chirps.go: this contains the definition of the struct that implements mybench.WorkloadInterface for the workload that reads the latest chirps.

  • workload_read_single_chirp.go: same as above but for reading a single chirp.

  • workload_insert_chirp.go: same as above but for inserting a chirp.

  • benchmark.go: this contains the definition of the struct that implements mybench.BenchmarkInterface.

It is not necessary to split the benchmark into multiple files. This tutorial splits these files so they are more easily embedded in this document.

Defining the table and data generators

Before running the benchmark, we need to first generate the initial data for the table. To do this, we can create an instance of mybench.Table in table_chirps.go:

package main

import (

func NewTableChirps(idGen mybench.DataGenerator) mybench.Table {
  return mybench.InitializeTable(mybench.Table{
    Name: "chirps",
    Columns: []*mybench.Column{
        Name:       "id",
        Definition: "BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",
        Generator:  idGen,
        Name:       "content",
        Definition: "VARCHAR(140)",
        Generator: mybench.NewHistogramLengthStringGenerator(
          []float64{-0.5, 20.5, 40.5, 60.5, 80.5, 100.5, 120.5, 140.5},
            10, // [0, 20)
            10, // [20, 40)
            10, // [40, 60)
            15, // [60, 80)
            15, // [80, 100)
            25, // [100, 120)
            15, // [120, 140)
        Name:       "created_at",
        Definition: "DATETIME",
        Generator:  mybench.NewNowGenerator(),
    Indices: [][]string{
    PrimaryKey: []string{"id"},

mybench.Table contains the definition for each column via the Name and Definition fields on the mybench.Column type. The Generator field is the data generator for that column. The mybench.Table object is created via the NewTableChirps function, which is called during both the -load and -bench phases of mybench. During -load, the mybench.Table object is used to create the table and load the initial data (see Implementing BenchmarkInterface). In the -bench phase, the workload is executed. During these two phases, the data generators may need to generate different values. Mybench generators can be used to generate values for both INSERT queries, which require “new” random values, and SELECT ... WHERE column = ? queries, which require “existing” values that are present in the database. The generation of “new” and “existing” values are done via the Generator.Generate() and Generator.SampleFromExisting() functions, respectively.

The generator for the id column is not defined in this function but is instead passed in as a function argument. This is because the behaviour of this data generator should be different between the -load and -bench phases. During -load, the data generator needs to generate unique id values to be inserted into the database. During -bench, the data generator needs to sample id values that likely exist in the database. By passing a different id generator during each of these phases, the desired behaviours can be achieved.

For the content column, we define a histogram generator that generates random strings according to a histogram distribution with two parameters: the first array is the binsEndPoints, which specifies the endpoints of each bin. Since the lengths generated are supposed to be integers, the endpoints are +/- 0.5 from the integer values. The second array is the frequency, which specifies the relative frequency of each bin. In this case, the sum of frequency is 100. It does not have to be the case as the generator normalizes the frequency internally. In this example, 25% of the string length will be between 100 and 119 characters. The distribution of character lengths between 100 and 119 is uniform. Since none of our workload queries implement a filter on the content column, we don’t need to be worried about the behaviour of the generator when generating values for the WHERE clause.

For the created_at column, we define a now generator which generates time.Now() for insertion. None of our workloads query with this column so we don’t need to be concerned about the behavior for generating values for WHERE clauses.

Since our modeled table has an index on created_at, we have to specify it in the Indices attribute. The primary key of the table is id, so we specify it into the PrimaryKey attribute.

Implementing WorkloadInterface

To implement the read and write workloads, we need to create a struct that implements mybench.WorkloadInterface. This interface requires three methods to be implemented:

  • Event(): this is the benchmark code to be called with the event rates specified in the command line (via the -eventrate flag). The function will be called by multiple workers (and thus goroutines) and must be thread-safe.

  • Config(): this returns a mybench.WorkloadConfig which configures parameters such as the percentage of events allocated to this workload (via WorkloadScale), the database config (via DatabaseConfig), the name of the workload (via Name), and more.

  • NewContextData(): this returns a new context data object of an arbitrary type. One context data object is created per benchmark worker and the object is passed to the Event function. The context data is supposed to be a variable that stores thread-local data. We will see how this can be used in ReadSingleChirp.


The first workload we will define is a simple workload that reads the latest 200 chirps, which generates 75% of the traffic. This is defined in the workload_read_latest_chirps.go file:

package main

import (


type ReadLatestChirps struct {
  table mybench.Table

func (w *ReadLatestChirps) Event(ctx mybench.WorkerContext[mybench.NoContextData]) error {
  query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 200", w.table.Name)
  _, err := ctx.Conn.Execute(query)
  return err

func NewReadLatestChirps(table mybench.Table) mybench.AbstractWorkload {
  workloadInterface := &ReadLatestChirps{
    WorkloadConfig: mybench.WorkloadConfig{
      Name:          "ReadLatestChirps",
      WorkloadScale: 0.75,
    table: table,

  return mybench.NewWorkload[mybench.NoContextData](workloadInterface)

Note that we only defined the Event function. This is because Config is defined by the embedded WorkloadConfig and NewContextData is defined by the embedded NoContextData. This is designed to make it easier to write workload code, as most workloads should hold and embed the WorkloadConfig and most workloads do not need any per-worker data storage (and thus should embed NoContextData).

The Event function of this workload takes a single mybench.WorkerContext argument named ctx. It has a field Conn, which is a mybench.Connection object. This is a thin-wrapper around the go-mysql-org/go-mysql/client.Conn for the time being. The reason this is passed into the Event function is because the Event function can be called concurrently from hundreds of workers, each running with its own goroutine, and connections are not thread safe. Thus, each worker has its own mybench.Connection object and these connections are passed to the Event function to ensure thread safety.

Calling ctx.Conn.Execute executes the query against the database. If an error occurs, it is returned to mybench. For this workload, there is only a single query.

The workload is configured in the NewReadLatestChirps function that initializes the struct. The most important lines are the lines that define the Name of the workload, which is used for statistics reporting; and the WorkloadScale of the workload, which is the percentage (as expressed by a number between 0 and 1) of the events that should be allocated to this workload. Since this workload is supposed to be 75% of the traffic, we set WorkloadScale to 0.75. Once the WorkloadInterface struct is created, we can create the workload object via mybench.NewWorkload, which is a generic function parameterized by the type of the context data, which in this case is mybench.NoContextData. The NewReadLatestChirps function will be called upon the initialization of the benchmark, which will be described in Implementing BenchmarkInterface.


The second workload we implement is the one where we randomly read a single chirp. For this exercise, we assume the query is always executed by a prepared statement. Since a prepared statement is associated with a connection, and each worker has its own connection object for thread safety, each worker must also hold its own prepared statement. The only way to do this is via a custom context data, which is initialized once per worker by mybench. This is all done with the ReadSingleChirp workload in the workload_read_single_chirp.go file:

package main

import (


type ReadSingleChirpContext struct {
  stmt *client.Stmt

type ReadSingleChirp struct {
  table mybench.Table

func (w *ReadSingleChirp) Event(ctx mybench.WorkerContext[ReadSingleChirpContext]) error {
  id := w.table.SampleFromExisting(ctx.Rand, "id")
  _, err := ctx.Data.stmt.Execute(id)
  return err

func (w *ReadSingleChirp) NewContextData(conn *mybench.Connection) (ReadSingleChirpContext, error) {
  var err error
  ctx := ReadSingleChirpContext{}
  ctx.stmt, err = conn.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = ?", w.table.Name))
  return ctx, err

func NewReadSingleChirp(table mybench.Table) mybench.AbstractWorkload {
  workloadInterface := &ReadSingleChirp{
    WorkloadConfig: mybench.WorkloadConfig{
      Name:          "ReadSingleChirp",
      WorkloadScale: 0.2,
    table: table,

  return mybench.NewWorkload[ReadSingleChirpContext](workloadInterface)

The custom context data for this workload is the struct ReadSingleChirpContext, which has a field holding a statement object (*client.Stmt). Each worker, on start, will call the NewContextData method to create the prepared statement and store it on a ReadSingleChirpContext object. The objects are then stored on the workers. When mybench calls Event, the ReadSingleChirpContext object is passed back to Event via the attribute ctx.Data. The statement object can then be accessed via ctx.Data.stmt. This is necessary because there is only a single ReadSingleChirp object globally and hundreds of benchmark workers could be all trying to call the Event function at the same time. To avoid data races, it is required to store states such as the stmt on context data objects like ReadSingleChirpContext to ensure the Event function is reentrant.

The other interesting line in this workload is:

w.table.SampleFromExisting(ctx.Rand, "id")

This method attempts to generate a random value that already exists on the database for the column id. The first argument to this function should always be ctx.Rand, which contains a per-worker instance of rand.Rand. The per-worker rand.Rand instances are needed because the global random number generator functions exported by Go’s rand module uses a global mutex, which can slow down mybench.

Lastly, the workload is created via the mybench.NewWorkload generic function parameterized by the ReadSingleChirpContext type.


The last workload we will implement is one where we insert new chirps. This is implemented in the workload_insert_chirp.go file.

package main

import (


type InsertChirp struct {
  table mybench.Table

func (w *InsertChirp) Event(ctx mybench.WorkerContext[mybench.NoContextData]) error {
  query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (?, ?, ?)", w.table.Name)
  id := w.table.Generate(ctx.Rand, "id")
  content := w.table.Generate(ctx.Rand, "content")
  createdAt := w.table.Generate(ctx.Rand, "created_at")

  _, err := ctx.Conn.Execute(query, id, content, createdAt)
  return err

func NewInsertChirp(table mybench.Table) mybench.AbstractWorkload {
  workloadInterface := &ReadLatestChirps{
    WorkloadConfig: mybench.WorkloadConfig{
      Name:          "InsertChirp",
      WorkloadScale: 0.05,
    table: table,

  return mybench.NewWorkload[mybench.NoContextData](workloadInterface)

This is very similar to ReadLatestChirps. The only difference is that we have these lines in the Event() function:

id := w.table.Generate(ctx.Rand, "id")
content := w.table.Generate(ctx.Rand, "content")
createdAt := w.table.Generate(ctx.Rand, "created_at")

These lines generate new values for insertion into the database, for the id, content and created_at columns. Remember that Generate generates new values for insertion and SampleFromExisting generates existing values used in the WHERE clauses. If you need to generate a value that’s more complex than what the data generators can provide, you can write custom code to generate the more complicated values in the Event function as well.

Implementing BenchmarkInterface

We have now implemented the table and the workloads. To run the benchmark, we must pass these objects to mybench.Run via mybench.BenchmarkInterface. BenchmarkInterface requires the definition of four functions:

  • Name(): returns the name of the benchmark.

  • Workloads(): returns a list of workloads defined for this benchmark.

  • RunLoader(): this function is called when the benchmark ran with the -load flag and should load the database with the initial data.

  • Config(): returns the benchmark config which configures the entire benchmark.

We create a struct that satisfies this interface in the benchmark.go file:

package main

import "github.com/Shopify/mybench"

type ChirpBench struct {

  InitialNumRows int64

func (b ChirpBench) Name() string {
  return "ChirpBench"

func (b ChirpBench) RunLoader() error {
  idGen := mybench.NewAutoIncrementGenerator(1, 0)
  table := NewTableChirps(idGen)
  return nil

func (b ChirpBench) Workloads() ([]mybench.AbstractWorkload, error) {
  idGen, err := mybench.NewAutoIncrementGeneratorFromDatabase(b.BenchmarkConfig.DatabaseConfig, "chirps", "id")
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  table := NewTableChirps(idGen)

  return []mybench.AbstractWorkload{
  }, nil

The struct ChirpBench implements three out of the four methods above (everything except Config()). This is because the Config() method is defined by the embedded *mybench.BenchmarkConfig objects. *mybench.BenchmarkConfig should always be embedded as mybench will populate it with parameters such as the total event rate (via -eventrate), concurrency (via -concurrency), and so on, via command-line flags. These parameters are controlled by mybench and should not be customized. Custom parameters defined by custom command-line flags should be stored on the struct that implements mybench.BenchmarkInterface, such as the ChirpBench struct defined here. In this case, the InitialNumRows is used in RunLoader so that the chirps table can be seeded with a configurable number of rows initially.


The Name() function is used when the benchmark data is logged. Typically, this should match the name of the type.


The RunLoader() method is called when the command line flag -load is given. Usually, we can leverage the default data seeding algorithm provided by mybench.Table, via Table.ReloadData. This method drops and recreates the table and concurrently seeds it with data generated via the generators specified in mybench.Table. In the Chirp example shown here, we create the mybench.Table object via NewTableChirps. Since we defined this method to take the id data generator as an argument, we need to pass it in. During the initial loading of the data we need to start generating ids starting from 1. Thus, we create the mybench.AutoIncrementGenerator via:

idGen := mybench.NewAutoIncrementGenerator(0, 0)

The first argument, min, specifies the minimum number that the AutoIncrementGenerator generates if an “existing” value is to be generated. This is ignored during the -load phase as only “new” values are generated in this phase. The second argument, current, specifies the number that “new” values should be generated from. Specifically, the new value generated is the value of current after it is atomically incremented by 1. Since the default MySQL behavior is to start AUTO_INCREMENT columns at the value 1, this argument is set to 0.

After creating the id generator and the table, we call the ReloadData. We pass the value of InitialNumRows to it, so that a custom number of rows can be seeded in the table. The batch size is chosen here manually to 200, which is a good default. The concurrency is set to b.BenchmarkConfig.RateControlConfig.Concurrency, which is controlled by the -concurrency flag, and this is also a good default. See Table.ReloadData for more details.


This function is called by mybench when it is about to benchmark the workloads. It returns a list of workloads that you wish mybench to run. Since we already defined constructor functions for each of our workloads, we call them and place them in a slice of []mybench.AbstractWorkload, which is returned. Once again, we need to define the id data generator, as it is not defined by the NewTableChirps function. In this case, we create the mybench.AutoIncrementGenerator via:

idGen, err := mybench.NewAutoIncrementGeneratorFromDatabase(b.BenchmarkConfig.DatabaseConfig, "chirps", "id")

This method will query the database and determine the minimum and maximum id values and set the min and current with those values respectively. With these set, SampleFromExisting will return a random value between min and current, which corresponds to an id value that should exist on the database. Generate will generate the value current+1 (and also update current = current + 1), which always corresponds to an id value that does not exist in the database. This generator ensures both the ReadSingleChirp and InsertChirp workloads generate suitable id values for both SELECT ... WHERE id = ? and INSERT INTO ... (id, ...) VALUE (?, ...).

Putting it all together in main()

Lastly, we need to call mybench.Run in a main() function. To do this, we define the main.go file:

package main

import (


func main() {
  benchmarkInterface := ChirpBench{
    BenchmarkConfig: mybench.NewBenchmarkConfig(),
  flag.Int64Var(&benchmarkInterface.InitialNumRows, "numrows", 10_000_000, "the number of rows to load into the database")

  err := mybench.Run(benchmarkInterface)
  if err != nil {

In the main() function, we first create the ChirpBench object. The BenchmarkConfig is initialized with mybench.NewBenchmarkConfig, which will set up flags such as -load, -bench, -eventrate, -concurrency, and more. The values specified in the command line flags are stored on the BenchmarkConfig object. Additionally, since we defined the InitialNumRows custom parameter, we set it up as a command line flag. This is done via Go’s standard flag library. We then call flag.Parse() to ensure the command line flags are parsed and all configuration values are filled.

Once the benchmark interface is properly initialized, we call mybench.Run, which will run the data loader if -load is specified on the command line, or the benchmark if -bench is specified on the command line.

Running the benchmark

First we must build the benchmark that we developed:

$ go build -o tutorialbench .

We can then run the loader to initialize the database. You’ll need to replace the value for -host, -user, and -pass to your database’s configuration.

$ ./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -load
INFO[0000] reloading data                                batchSize=200 concurrency=16 table=chirps totalrows=10000000
INFO[0000] loading data                                  pct=0 rowsInserted=200 table=chirps totalrows=10000000
INFO[0000] loading data                                  pct=1 rowsInserted=100400 table=chirps totalrows=10000000
INFO[0056] loading data                                  pct=99.19 rowsInserted=9919400 table=chirps totalrows=10000000
INFO[0057] data reloaded                                 pct=100 rowsInserted=10000000 table=chirps totalrows=10000000

To run the actual benchmark:

$ ./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -bench
INFO[0000] running benchmark indefinitely
INFO[0000] starting benchmark workers                    concurrency=1 rate=50 workload=InsertChirp
INFO[0000] starting benchmark workers                    concurrency=2 rate=200 workload=ReadSingleChirp
INFO[0000] starting benchmark workers                    concurrency=8 rate=750 workload=ReadLatestChirps

To monitor the benchmark live (throughput and latency for each workload), go to https://localhost:8005.

To discover how much load our database can handle, we create a shell script that runs the benchmark for 2 minutes each with incrementing event rate. The goal is to observe when the database can no longer handle the desired event rate. We can save this script to benchmark.sh.

./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -load
./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -bench -duration 2m -eventrate 3500
./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -bench -duration 2m -eventrate 4000
./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -bench -duration 2m -eventrate 4500
./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -bench -duration 2m -eventrate 5000
./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -bench -duration 2m -eventrate 5500
./tutorialbench -host mysql-57.local -user sys.admin_rw -pass hunter2 -bench -duration 2m -eventrate 6000

In this script, we first reload the data so the database can have a fresh start, then we run tutorialbench 5 times starting at an event rate of 3500 and end at an event rate of 6000. Each benchmark has a duration of 2 minutes.

To run this script:

$ rm -f data.sqlite
$ ./benchmark.sh

Since mybench will append data from runs into an existing data.sqlite file (even if you use different benchmarks), we remove the data.sqlite file before we start the benchmarks to ensure the data logged in the file pertains to only this sequence of runs.

Post processing the data

To post-process the data, copy the data.sqlite file into the analysis-tools folder of the mybench repository. Then, you can run the Jupyter Notebook called sample.ipynb. The dependency of the Jupyter Notebook is documented in the environment.yml file, which is a file you can use to install a conda environment. If you run the code in the first cell, it will generate a figure that looks like the following:


The top plots show the overall QPS and the bottom plots show the overall latency percentiles for the 6 benchmark runs. In the top plots, the variable \(d\) represents the desired rate for that run. \(\bar{x}\) is the average rate achieved by mybench within the duration of the benchmark run. \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation of the rate. In the bottom plot, each color represents a different percentile. The percentiles that correspond to each line are annotated to the right of the plots.

In this case, we can see that the database can only handle a QPS of about 5000 for the chirps workload as the observed event rate plateaus once the desired event rate reaches that point. Additionally, the latency distribution shifts higher around 5000 events/s.

Tracing the benchmark

In some situations, you may observe extra high latency periodically which may skew the max-latency time series. In these situations, you can trace mybench via the runtime/trace Golang library which is built into mybench. Follow this tutorial for details.


In this tutorial, we have learned to:

  • create a basic model for a workload;

  • create a project structure for a custom mybench benchmark;

  • define the table columns with mybench.Table with both their SQL definition and their associated generators;

  • implement mybench.WorkloadInterface with workloads that both require and does not require custom context data;

  • use the data generator to generate values for insertion (Generate()) and values used for WHERE clauses (SampleFromExisting());

  • implement mybench.BenchmarkInterface;

  • put everything together in a main() function so it can be called from command line;

  • write code that takes allow the benchmark to take custom configurations;

  • run the benchmark with varying event rates and duration;

  • perform a sequence of benchmark runs to ascertain the limits of the database;

  • post process the data with Python to visualize a sequence of benchmark runs.

  • trace the benchmark via runtime/trace and go tool trace.

The code for tutorialbench can be found here.