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Inspecting fatal errors

If you see a fatal error in your dashboard, you should inspect the issue since not doing so can likely lead to incorrect TTI (time-to-interactive) measurements. For easier debugging, you can also change the logLevel to LogLevel.Info where you will see more information about what the package does (to read more about the package's logging, please refer to the Logger documentation). If you are unable to debug the issue, let us know by either opening an issue or we can help you in the #react-native-performance channel on Discord. You can also learn more about the errors and their meaning in the section below 👇

Errors documentation


This error indicates that the PerformanceProfiler has most likely not been initialized. This can happen when you e.g. run useStartProfiler but PerformanceProfiler is not mounted in the current view hierarchy.

Read more about how to initialize PerformanceProfiler here.


RenderTimeoutError is thrown when a given screen is not rendered in the time set by renderTimeoutMillis. This is either because:

  • renderTimeoutMillis is too small
  • you have forgotten to mark the screen interactive via the PerformanceMeasureView
  • you used useStartProfiler instead of useResetFlow hook when re-render is occurring because the flow is essentially being restarted.

Read more about render timers here.


ScreenProfilerNotStartedError can occur when PerformanceMeasureView is used without running useStartProfiler before.

Read more about measuring render times here.


If you use react-native-performance-navigation, this package has react-navigation as its dependency. We currently support only navigators of types stack, tab, drawer and so if there is a new navigator that you would need support for, please create a new Github issue.