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Optimizing Long Running Components

The library can only provide you with tripwires that certain screens are not performing as fast as they should. Fixing these issues will need to be done on a case-by-case basis.

However, there is one common category of performance slowdown that is often seen in simple RN apps. If a React component runs for a long time synchronously before returning the renderable JSX, it may cause the navigation to slow down a little.

The PerformanceMeasureView can help you optimise such slow navigation animations by delaying the expensive renders until after the animation completes. It can show a lightweight placeholder view while that animation is occuring:

slowRenderPlaceholder={<View style={{backgroundColor: 'red', flex: 1}} />}
{/* actual screen contents */}
slowRenderPlaceholder={<View style={{backgroundColor: 'red', flex: 1}} />}
{/* actual screen contents */}

It is highly encouraged to not use this flag blindly, since it can only optimize a very specific kind of perfomance slowdowns. Using it unnecessarily might actually slow things down even further, since you're adding 1 extra lightweight render pass before rendering the real expensive UI. Please visually verify thoroughly and monitor the render-time scores before opting in.

This feature uses a ReactNative InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions call under-the-hood to schedule the real expensive render after all the animations are completed.