►CShopify.Unity.SDK.AbstractResponse | |
CShopify.Unity.ApiVersion | A version of the API |
CShopify.Unity.AppliedGiftCard | Details about the gift card used on the checkout |
CShopify.Unity.Article | An article in an online store blog |
CShopify.Unity.ArticleAuthor | The author of an article |
CShopify.Unity.ArticleConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Articles. . ArticleConnection can be cast to List<Article> |
CShopify.Unity.ArticleEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Article and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Attribute | Represents a generic custom attribute |
CShopify.Unity.AutomaticDiscountApplication | Automatic discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was automatically applied |
CShopify.Unity.AvailableShippingRates | A collection of available shipping rates for a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.Blog | An online store blog |
CShopify.Unity.BlogConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Blogs. . BlogConnection can be cast to List<Blog> |
CShopify.Unity.BlogEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Blog and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Checkout | A container for all the information required to checkout items and pay |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutAttributesUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutAttributesUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutAttributesUpdateV2payload | Return type for checkoutAttributesUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteFreePayload | Return type for checkoutCompleteFree mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardPayload | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithCreditCard mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2payload | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentPayload | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPayment mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2payload | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCreatePayload | Return type for checkoutCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCustomerAssociatePayload | Return type for checkoutCustomerAssociate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCustomerAssociateV2payload | Return type for checkoutCustomerAssociateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCustomerDisassociatePayload | Return type for checkoutCustomerDisassociate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCustomerDisassociateV2payload | Return type for checkoutCustomerDisassociateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyPayload | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeApply mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyV2payload | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeApplyV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutDiscountCodeRemovePayload | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutEmailUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutEmailUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutEmailUpdateV2payload | Return type for checkoutEmailUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutGiftCardApplyPayload | Return type for checkoutGiftCardApply mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutGiftCardRemovePayload | Return type for checkoutGiftCardRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutGiftCardRemoveV2payload | Return type for checkoutGiftCardRemoveV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutGiftCardsAppendPayload | Return type for checkoutGiftCardsAppend mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItem | A single line item in the checkout, grouped by variant and attributes |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple CheckoutLineItems. . CheckoutLineItemConnection can be cast to List<CheckoutLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one CheckoutLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemsAddPayload | Return type for checkoutLineItemsAdd mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemsRemovePayload | Return type for checkoutLineItemsRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemsReplacePayload | Return type for checkoutLineItemsReplace mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemsUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutLineItemsUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutShippingAddressUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutShippingAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutShippingAddressUpdateV2payload | Return type for checkoutShippingAddressUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutShippingLineUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutShippingLineUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutUserError | Represents an error that happens during execution of a checkout mutation |
CShopify.Unity.Collection | A collection represents a grouping of products that a shop owner can create to organize them or make their shops easier to browse |
CShopify.Unity.CollectionConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Collections. . CollectionConnection can be cast to List<Collection> |
CShopify.Unity.CollectionEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Collection and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Comment | A comment on an article |
CShopify.Unity.CommentAuthor | The author of a comment |
CShopify.Unity.CommentConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Comments. . CommentConnection can be cast to List<Comment> |
CShopify.Unity.CommentEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Comment and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.CreditCard | Credit card information used for a payment |
CShopify.Unity.Customer | A customer represents a customer account with the shop. Customer accounts store contact information for the customer, saving logged-in customers the trouble of having to provide it at every checkout |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessToken | A CustomerAccessToken represents the unique token required to make modifications to the customer object |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessTokenCreatePayload | Return type for customerAccessTokenCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessTokenDeletePayload | Return type for customerAccessTokenDelete mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessTokenRenewPayload | Return type for customerAccessTokenRenew mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerActivatePayload | Return type for customerActivate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAddressCreatePayload | Return type for customerAddressCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAddressDeletePayload | Return type for customerAddressDelete mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAddressUpdatePayload | Return type for customerAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerCreatePayload | Return type for customerCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerDefaultAddressUpdatePayload | Return type for customerDefaultAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerRecoverPayload | Return type for customerRecover mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerResetByUrlPayload | Return type for customerResetByUrl mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerResetPayload | Return type for customerReset mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerUpdatePayload | Return type for customerUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerUserError | Represents an error that happens during execution of a customer mutation |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountAllocation | An amount discounting the line that has been allocated by a discount |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountApplicationConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple DiscountApplications. . DiscountApplicationConnection can be cast to List<DiscountApplication> |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountApplicationEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one DiscountApplication and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountCodeApplication | Discount code applications capture the intentions of a discount code at the time that it is applied |
CShopify.Unity.Domain | Represents a web address |
CShopify.Unity.ExternalVideo | Represents a video hosted outside of Shopify |
CShopify.Unity.Fulfillment | Represents a single fulfillment in an order |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentLineItem | Represents a single line item in a fulfillment. There is at most one fulfillment line item for each order line item |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple FulfillmentLineItems. . FulfillmentLineItemConnection can be cast to List<FulfillmentLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentLineItemEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one FulfillmentLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentTrackingInfo | Tracking information associated with the fulfillment |
CShopify.Unity.Image | Represents an image resource |
CShopify.Unity.ImageConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Images. . ImageConnection can be cast to List<Image> |
CShopify.Unity.ImageEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Image and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddress | Represents a mailing address for customers and shipping |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddressConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MailingAddresses. . MailingAddressConnection can be cast to List<MailingAddress> |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddressEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one MailingAddress and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.ManualDiscountApplication | Manual discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was manually created |
CShopify.Unity.MediaConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Media. . MediaConnection can be cast to List<Media> |
CShopify.Unity.MediaEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Media and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.MediaImage | Represents a Shopify hosted image |
CShopify.Unity.Metafield | Metafields represent custom metadata attached to a resource. Metafields can be sorted into namespaces and are comprised of keys, values, and value types |
CShopify.Unity.MetafieldConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Metafields. . MetafieldConnection can be cast to List<Metafield> |
CShopify.Unity.MetafieldEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Metafield and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Model3d | Represents a Shopify hosted 3D model |
CShopify.Unity.Model3dSource | Represents a source for a Shopify hosted 3d model |
CShopify.Unity.MoneyV2 | A monetary value with currency |
CShopify.Unity.MoneyV2connection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MoneyV2s. . MoneyV2connection can be cast to List<MoneyV2> |
CShopify.Unity.MoneyV2edge | An auto-generated type which holds one MoneyV2 and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Mutation | The schema’s entry-point for mutations. This acts as the public, top-level API from which all mutation queries must start |
CShopify.Unity.Order | An order is a customer’s completed request to purchase one or more products from a shop. An order is created when a customer completes the checkout process, during which time they provides an email address, billing address and payment information |
CShopify.Unity.OrderConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Orders. . OrderConnection can be cast to List<Order> |
CShopify.Unity.OrderEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Order and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.OrderLineItem | Represents a single line in an order. There is one line item for each distinct product variant |
CShopify.Unity.OrderLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple OrderLineItems. . OrderLineItemConnection can be cast to List<OrderLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.OrderLineItemEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one OrderLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Page | Shopify merchants can create pages to hold static HTML content. Each Page object represents a custom page on the online store |
CShopify.Unity.PageConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Pages. . PageConnection can be cast to List<Page> |
CShopify.Unity.PageEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Page and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.PageInfo | Information about pagination in a connection |
CShopify.Unity.Payment | A payment applied to a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.PaymentSettings | Settings related to payments |
CShopify.Unity.PricingPercentageValue | The value of the percentage pricing object |
CShopify.Unity.Product | A product represents an individual item for sale in a Shopify store. Products are often physical, but they don't have to be. For example, a digital download (such as a movie, music or ebook file) also qualifies as a product, as do services (such as equipment rental, work for hire, customization of another product or an extended warranty) |
CShopify.Unity.ProductConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Products. . ProductConnection can be cast to List<Product> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Product and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.ProductOption | Product property names like "Size", "Color", and "Material" that the customers can select. Variants are selected based on permutations of these options. 255 characters limit each |
CShopify.Unity.ProductPriceRange | The price range of the product |
CShopify.Unity.ProductPriceRangeConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductPriceRanges. . ProductPriceRangeConnection can be cast to List<ProductPriceRange> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductPriceRangeEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductPriceRange and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariant | A product variant represents a different version of a product, such as differing sizes or differing colors |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariants. . ProductVariantConnection can be cast to List<ProductVariant> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductVariant and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantPricePair | The compare-at price and price of a variant sharing a currency |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantPricePairConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariantPricePairs. . ProductVariantPricePairConnection can be cast to List<ProductVariantPricePair> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantPricePairEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductVariantPricePair and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.QueryRoot | The schema’s entry-point for queries. This acts as the public, top-level API from which all queries must start |
CShopify.Unity.ScriptDiscountApplication | Script discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was created by a Shopify Script |
CShopify.Unity.SelectedOption | Properties used by customers to select a product variant. Products can have multiple options, like different sizes or colors |
CShopify.Unity.Seo | SEO information |
CShopify.Unity.ShippingRate | A shipping rate to be applied to a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.Shop | Shop represents a collection of the general settings and information about the shop |
CShopify.Unity.ShopPolicy | Policy that a merchant has configured for their store, such as their refund or privacy policy |
CShopify.Unity.StringConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Strings. . StringConnection can be cast to List<String> |
CShopify.Unity.StringEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one String and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Transaction | An object representing exchange of money for a product or service |
CShopify.Unity.UnitPriceMeasurement | The measurement used to calculate a unit price for a product variant (e.g. $9.99 / 100ml) |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownDiscountApplication | UnknownDiscountApplication is a response object. With UnknownDiscountApplication.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing DiscountApplication. UnknownDiscountApplication.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownDisplayableError | UnknownDisplayableError is a response object. With UnknownDisplayableError.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing DisplayableError. UnknownDisplayableError.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownHasMetafields | UnknownHasMetafields is a response object. With UnknownHasMetafields.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing HasMetafields. UnknownHasMetafields.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownMedia | UnknownMedia is a response object. With UnknownMedia.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing Media. UnknownMedia.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownMetafieldParentResource | A resource that the metafield belongs to |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownNode | UnknownNode is a response object. With UnknownNode.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing Node. UnknownNode.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownPricingValue | The price value (fixed or percentage) for a discount application |
CShopify.Unity.UserError | Represents an error in the input of a mutation |
CShopify.Unity.Video | Represents a Shopify hosted video |
CShopify.Unity.VideoSource | Represents a source for a Shopify hosted video |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ApiVersionQuery | A version of the API |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.AppliedGiftCardQuery | Details about the gift card used on the checkout |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.Arguments | Is used by GraphQL generator classes to create argument strings |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ArticleAuthorQuery | The author of an article |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ArticleConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Articles |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ArticleEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Article and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ArticleQuery | An article in an online store blog |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.AttributeQuery | Represents a generic custom attribute |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.AutomaticDiscountApplicationQuery | Automatic discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was automatically applied |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.AvailableShippingRatesQuery | A collection of available shipping rates for a checkout |
►CShopify.Unity.SDK.BaseLoader | An abstract base that must be defined by classes that will perform network communication |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.Editor.UnityEditorLoader | A Query Loader built to load queries in editor scripts, when the normal game loop is not available |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.UnityLoader | Performs network communication to send GraphQL queries between Unity and a Shopify GraphQL endpoint |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.BlogConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Blogs |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.BlogEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Blog and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.BlogQuery | An online store blog |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Cache< T > | An interface for defining a cache |
CShopify.UIToolkit.LRUCache< T > | A cache that uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) heurstic for evicting items |
CShopify.Unity.Cart | Manages line items for an order. Can also be used to generate a web checkout link to check out in browser |
CShopify.UIToolkit.CartController | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.CartItem | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.CartLineItem | A line item on an order. A line item is defined by a variant id and the quantity of that variant that you'll be ordering. Custom Attributes are used to define customizations or any additional meta data on the line item |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.CartLineItems | Is used to add, update, or delete line items in a Cart |
CShopify.Unity.CartState | Internal state class for a Cart |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.CastUtils | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutAttributesUpdatePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutAttributesUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutAttributesUpdateV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutAttributesUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCompleteFreePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCompleteFree mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardPayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithCreditCard mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentPayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPayment mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCreatePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCustomerAssociatePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCustomerAssociate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCustomerAssociateV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCustomerAssociateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCustomerDisassociatePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCustomerDisassociate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutCustomerDisassociateV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutCustomerDisassociateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyPayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeApply mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeApplyV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutDiscountCodeRemovePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutEmailUpdatePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutEmailUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutEmailUpdateV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutEmailUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutGiftCardApplyPayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutGiftCardApply mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutGiftCardRemovePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutGiftCardRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutGiftCardRemoveV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutGiftCardRemoveV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutGiftCardsAppendPayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutGiftCardsAppend mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutLineItemConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple CheckoutLineItems |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutLineItemEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one CheckoutLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutLineItemQuery | A single line item in the checkout, grouped by variant and attributes |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutLineItemsAddPayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutLineItemsAdd mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutLineItemsRemovePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutLineItemsRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutLineItemsReplacePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutLineItemsReplace mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutLineItemsUpdatePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutLineItemsUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutQuery | A container for all the information required to checkout items and pay |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutShippingAddressUpdatePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutShippingAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutShippingAddressUpdateV2payloadQuery | Return type for checkoutShippingAddressUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutShippingLineUpdatePayloadQuery | Return type for checkoutShippingLineUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CheckoutUserErrorQuery | Represents an error that happens during execution of a checkout mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CollectionConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Collections |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CollectionEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Collection and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CollectionQuery | A collection represents a grouping of products that a shop owner can create to organize them or make their shops easier to browse |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CommentAuthorQuery | The author of a comment |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CommentConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Comments |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CommentEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Comment and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CommentQuery | A comment on an article |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.ConnectionLoader | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.ConnectionQueryInfo | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CreditCardQuery | Credit card information used for a payment |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerAccessTokenCreatePayloadQuery | Return type for customerAccessTokenCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerAccessTokenDeletePayloadQuery | Return type for customerAccessTokenDelete mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerAccessTokenQuery | A CustomerAccessToken represents the unique token required to make modifications to the customer object |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerAccessTokenRenewPayloadQuery | Return type for customerAccessTokenRenew mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerActivatePayloadQuery | Return type for customerActivate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerAddressCreatePayloadQuery | Return type for customerAddressCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerAddressDeletePayloadQuery | Return type for customerAddressDelete mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerAddressUpdatePayloadQuery | Return type for customerAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerCreatePayloadQuery | Return type for customerCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerDefaultAddressUpdatePayloadQuery | Return type for customerDefaultAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerQuery | A customer represents a customer account with the shop. Customer accounts store contact information for the customer, saving logged-in customers the trouble of having to provide it at every checkout |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerRecoverPayloadQuery | Return type for customerRecover mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerResetByUrlPayloadQuery | Return type for customerResetByUrl mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerResetPayloadQuery | Return type for customerReset mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerUpdatePayloadQuery | Return type for customerUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.CustomerUserErrorQuery | Represents an error that happens during execution of a customer mutation |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.DefaultCheckoutQueries | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.DefaultCollectionQueries | Generates default queries for ShopifyClient.collections |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.DefaultProductQueries | Generates default queries for ShopifyClient.products |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.DefaultQueries | Generates default queries for ShopifyClient.products and ShopifyClient.collections |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.DefaultShopQueries | Generates default queries for ShopifyClient |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.DiscountAllocationQuery | An amount discounting the line that has been allocated by a discount |
►CShopify.Unity.DiscountApplication | Discount applications capture the intentions of a discount source at the time of application |
CShopify.Unity.AutomaticDiscountApplication | Automatic discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was automatically applied |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountCodeApplication | Discount code applications capture the intentions of a discount code at the time that it is applied |
CShopify.Unity.ManualDiscountApplication | Manual discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was manually created |
CShopify.Unity.ScriptDiscountApplication | Script discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was created by a Shopify Script |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownDiscountApplication | UnknownDiscountApplication is a response object. With UnknownDiscountApplication.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing DiscountApplication. UnknownDiscountApplication.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.DiscountApplicationConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple DiscountApplications |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.DiscountApplicationEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one DiscountApplication and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.DiscountApplicationQuery | Discount applications capture the intentions of a discount source at the time of application |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.DiscountCodeApplicationQuery | Discount code applications capture the intentions of a discount code at the time that it is applied |
►CShopify.Unity.DisplayableError | Represents an error in the input of a mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutUserError | Represents an error that happens during execution of a checkout mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerUserError | Represents an error that happens during execution of a customer mutation |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownDisplayableError | UnknownDisplayableError is a response object. With UnknownDisplayableError.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing DisplayableError. UnknownDisplayableError.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UserError | Represents an error in the input of a mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.DisplayableErrorQuery | Represents an error in the input of a mutation |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.DomainQuery | Represents a web address |
►CException | |
CShopify.Examples.Helpers.ShopifyAlreadyInitializedException | |
CShopify.Examples.Helpers.ShopifyNotInitializedException | |
CShopify.Unity.NoMatchingVariantException | This exception is thrown when interacting with a cart to add, update, or delete line items and no matching variant could be found |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.AliasException | This exception is thrown when trying to access a response field using an alias which was not used to build the query. AliasException is also thrown when the alias format is invalid for instance a blank string or the alias uses invalid characters |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.InvalidServerResponseException | This exception is thrown whenenver the server responds with an unexpected response which cannot be handled gracefully |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.NoQueryException | This exception is thrown when a field was accessed from a query response but the field was not queried |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ExternalVideoQuery | Represents a video hosted outside of Shopify |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.FulfillmentLineItemConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple FulfillmentLineItems |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.FulfillmentLineItemEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one FulfillmentLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.FulfillmentLineItemQuery | Represents a single line item in a fulfillment. There is at most one fulfillment line item for each order line item |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.FulfillmentQuery | Represents a single fulfillment in an order |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.FulfillmentTrackingInfoQuery | Tracking information associated with the fulfillment |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.GlobalGameObject | |
►CShopify.Unity.HasMetafields | Represents information about the metafields associated to the specified resource |
CShopify.Unity.Product | A product represents an individual item for sale in a Shopify store. Products are often physical, but they don't have to be. For example, a digital download (such as a movie, music or ebook file) also qualifies as a product, as do services (such as equipment rental, work for hire, customization of another product or an extended warranty) |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariant | A product variant represents a different version of a product, such as differing sizes or differing colors |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownHasMetafields | UnknownHasMetafields is a response object. With UnknownHasMetafields.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing HasMetafields. UnknownHasMetafields.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.HasMetafieldsQuery | Represents information about the metafields associated to the specified resource |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.ICacheable | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.CacheableWebImage | A cacheable image downloaed from the web stored as a Texture2D object |
►CICloneable | |
CShopify.Unity.ApiVersion | A version of the API |
CShopify.Unity.AppliedGiftCard | Details about the gift card used on the checkout |
CShopify.Unity.Article | An article in an online store blog |
CShopify.Unity.ArticleAuthor | The author of an article |
CShopify.Unity.ArticleConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Articles. . ArticleConnection can be cast to List<Article> |
CShopify.Unity.ArticleEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Article and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Attribute | Represents a generic custom attribute |
CShopify.Unity.AutomaticDiscountApplication | Automatic discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was automatically applied |
CShopify.Unity.AvailableShippingRates | A collection of available shipping rates for a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.Blog | An online store blog |
CShopify.Unity.BlogConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Blogs. . BlogConnection can be cast to List<Blog> |
CShopify.Unity.BlogEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Blog and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Checkout | A container for all the information required to checkout items and pay |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutAttributesUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutAttributesUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutAttributesUpdateV2payload | Return type for checkoutAttributesUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteFreePayload | Return type for checkoutCompleteFree mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardPayload | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithCreditCard mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2payload | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithCreditCardV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentPayload | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPayment mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2payload | Return type for checkoutCompleteWithTokenizedPaymentV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCreatePayload | Return type for checkoutCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCustomerAssociatePayload | Return type for checkoutCustomerAssociate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCustomerAssociateV2payload | Return type for checkoutCustomerAssociateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCustomerDisassociatePayload | Return type for checkoutCustomerDisassociate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCustomerDisassociateV2payload | Return type for checkoutCustomerDisassociateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyPayload | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeApply mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutDiscountCodeApplyV2payload | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeApplyV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutDiscountCodeRemovePayload | Return type for checkoutDiscountCodeRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutEmailUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutEmailUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutEmailUpdateV2payload | Return type for checkoutEmailUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutGiftCardApplyPayload | Return type for checkoutGiftCardApply mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutGiftCardRemovePayload | Return type for checkoutGiftCardRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutGiftCardRemoveV2payload | Return type for checkoutGiftCardRemoveV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutGiftCardsAppendPayload | Return type for checkoutGiftCardsAppend mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItem | A single line item in the checkout, grouped by variant and attributes |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple CheckoutLineItems. . CheckoutLineItemConnection can be cast to List<CheckoutLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one CheckoutLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemsAddPayload | Return type for checkoutLineItemsAdd mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemsRemovePayload | Return type for checkoutLineItemsRemove mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemsReplacePayload | Return type for checkoutLineItemsReplace mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemsUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutLineItemsUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutShippingAddressUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutShippingAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutShippingAddressUpdateV2payload | Return type for checkoutShippingAddressUpdateV2 mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutShippingLineUpdatePayload | Return type for checkoutShippingLineUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutUserError | Represents an error that happens during execution of a checkout mutation |
CShopify.Unity.Collection | A collection represents a grouping of products that a shop owner can create to organize them or make their shops easier to browse |
CShopify.Unity.CollectionConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Collections. . CollectionConnection can be cast to List<Collection> |
CShopify.Unity.CollectionEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Collection and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Comment | A comment on an article |
CShopify.Unity.CommentAuthor | The author of a comment |
CShopify.Unity.CommentConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Comments. . CommentConnection can be cast to List<Comment> |
CShopify.Unity.CommentEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Comment and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.CreditCard | Credit card information used for a payment |
CShopify.Unity.Customer | A customer represents a customer account with the shop. Customer accounts store contact information for the customer, saving logged-in customers the trouble of having to provide it at every checkout |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessToken | A CustomerAccessToken represents the unique token required to make modifications to the customer object |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessTokenCreatePayload | Return type for customerAccessTokenCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessTokenDeletePayload | Return type for customerAccessTokenDelete mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessTokenRenewPayload | Return type for customerAccessTokenRenew mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerActivatePayload | Return type for customerActivate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAddressCreatePayload | Return type for customerAddressCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAddressDeletePayload | Return type for customerAddressDelete mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAddressUpdatePayload | Return type for customerAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerCreatePayload | Return type for customerCreate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerDefaultAddressUpdatePayload | Return type for customerDefaultAddressUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerRecoverPayload | Return type for customerRecover mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerResetByUrlPayload | Return type for customerResetByUrl mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerResetPayload | Return type for customerReset mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerUpdatePayload | Return type for customerUpdate mutation |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerUserError | Represents an error that happens during execution of a customer mutation |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountAllocation | An amount discounting the line that has been allocated by a discount |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountApplicationConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple DiscountApplications. . DiscountApplicationConnection can be cast to List<DiscountApplication> |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountApplicationEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one DiscountApplication and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountCodeApplication | Discount code applications capture the intentions of a discount code at the time that it is applied |
CShopify.Unity.Domain | Represents a web address |
CShopify.Unity.ExternalVideo | Represents a video hosted outside of Shopify |
CShopify.Unity.Fulfillment | Represents a single fulfillment in an order |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentLineItem | Represents a single line item in a fulfillment. There is at most one fulfillment line item for each order line item |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple FulfillmentLineItems. . FulfillmentLineItemConnection can be cast to List<FulfillmentLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentLineItemEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one FulfillmentLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentTrackingInfo | Tracking information associated with the fulfillment |
CShopify.Unity.Image | Represents an image resource |
CShopify.Unity.ImageConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Images. . ImageConnection can be cast to List<Image> |
CShopify.Unity.ImageEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Image and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddress | Represents a mailing address for customers and shipping |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddressConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MailingAddresses. . MailingAddressConnection can be cast to List<MailingAddress> |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddressEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one MailingAddress and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.ManualDiscountApplication | Manual discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was manually created |
CShopify.Unity.MediaConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Media. . MediaConnection can be cast to List<Media> |
CShopify.Unity.MediaEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Media and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.MediaImage | Represents a Shopify hosted image |
CShopify.Unity.Metafield | Metafields represent custom metadata attached to a resource. Metafields can be sorted into namespaces and are comprised of keys, values, and value types |
CShopify.Unity.MetafieldConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Metafields. . MetafieldConnection can be cast to List<Metafield> |
CShopify.Unity.MetafieldEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Metafield and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Model3d | Represents a Shopify hosted 3D model |
CShopify.Unity.Model3dSource | Represents a source for a Shopify hosted 3d model |
CShopify.Unity.MoneyV2 | A monetary value with currency |
CShopify.Unity.MoneyV2connection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MoneyV2s. . MoneyV2connection can be cast to List<MoneyV2> |
CShopify.Unity.MoneyV2edge | An auto-generated type which holds one MoneyV2 and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Mutation | The schema’s entry-point for mutations. This acts as the public, top-level API from which all mutation queries must start |
CShopify.Unity.Order | An order is a customer’s completed request to purchase one or more products from a shop. An order is created when a customer completes the checkout process, during which time they provides an email address, billing address and payment information |
CShopify.Unity.OrderConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Orders. . OrderConnection can be cast to List<Order> |
CShopify.Unity.OrderEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Order and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.OrderLineItem | Represents a single line in an order. There is one line item for each distinct product variant |
CShopify.Unity.OrderLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple OrderLineItems. . OrderLineItemConnection can be cast to List<OrderLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.OrderLineItemEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one OrderLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Page | Shopify merchants can create pages to hold static HTML content. Each Page object represents a custom page on the online store |
CShopify.Unity.PageConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Pages. . PageConnection can be cast to List<Page> |
CShopify.Unity.PageEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Page and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.PageInfo | Information about pagination in a connection |
CShopify.Unity.Payment | A payment applied to a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.PaymentSettings | Settings related to payments |
CShopify.Unity.PricingPercentageValue | The value of the percentage pricing object |
CShopify.Unity.Product | A product represents an individual item for sale in a Shopify store. Products are often physical, but they don't have to be. For example, a digital download (such as a movie, music or ebook file) also qualifies as a product, as do services (such as equipment rental, work for hire, customization of another product or an extended warranty) |
CShopify.Unity.ProductConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Products. . ProductConnection can be cast to List<Product> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one Product and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.ProductOption | Product property names like "Size", "Color", and "Material" that the customers can select. Variants are selected based on permutations of these options. 255 characters limit each |
CShopify.Unity.ProductPriceRange | The price range of the product |
CShopify.Unity.ProductPriceRangeConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductPriceRanges. . ProductPriceRangeConnection can be cast to List<ProductPriceRange> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductPriceRangeEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductPriceRange and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariant | A product variant represents a different version of a product, such as differing sizes or differing colors |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariants. . ProductVariantConnection can be cast to List<ProductVariant> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductVariant and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantPricePair | The compare-at price and price of a variant sharing a currency |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantPricePairConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariantPricePairs. . ProductVariantPricePairConnection can be cast to List<ProductVariantPricePair> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantPricePairEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductVariantPricePair and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.QueryRoot | The schema’s entry-point for queries. This acts as the public, top-level API from which all queries must start |
CShopify.Unity.ScriptDiscountApplication | Script discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was created by a Shopify Script |
CShopify.Unity.SelectedOption | Properties used by customers to select a product variant. Products can have multiple options, like different sizes or colors |
CShopify.Unity.Seo | SEO information |
CShopify.Unity.ShippingRate | A shipping rate to be applied to a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.Shop | Shop represents a collection of the general settings and information about the shop |
CShopify.Unity.ShopPolicy | Policy that a merchant has configured for their store, such as their refund or privacy policy |
CShopify.Unity.StringConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Strings. . StringConnection can be cast to List<String> |
CShopify.Unity.StringEdge | An auto-generated type which holds one String and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.Transaction | An object representing exchange of money for a product or service |
CShopify.Unity.UnitPriceMeasurement | The measurement used to calculate a unit price for a product variant (e.g. $9.99 / 100ml) |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownDiscountApplication | UnknownDiscountApplication is a response object. With UnknownDiscountApplication.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing DiscountApplication. UnknownDiscountApplication.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownDisplayableError | UnknownDisplayableError is a response object. With UnknownDisplayableError.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing DisplayableError. UnknownDisplayableError.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownHasMetafields | UnknownHasMetafields is a response object. With UnknownHasMetafields.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing HasMetafields. UnknownHasMetafields.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownMedia | UnknownMedia is a response object. With UnknownMedia.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing Media. UnknownMedia.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownMetafieldParentResource | A resource that the metafield belongs to |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownNode | UnknownNode is a response object. With UnknownNode.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing Node. UnknownNode.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.UnknownPricingValue | The price value (fixed or percentage) for a discount application |
CShopify.Unity.UserError | Represents an error in the input of a mutation |
CShopify.Unity.Video | Represents a Shopify hosted video |
CShopify.Unity.VideoSource | Represents a source for a Shopify hosted video |
►CIDictionary | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.ObservableDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
►CIEnumerable | |
CShopify.Unity.ArticleConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Articles. . ArticleConnection can be cast to List<Article> |
CShopify.Unity.BlogConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Blogs. . BlogConnection can be cast to List<Blog> |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple CheckoutLineItems. . CheckoutLineItemConnection can be cast to List<CheckoutLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.CollectionConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Collections. . CollectionConnection can be cast to List<Collection> |
CShopify.Unity.CommentConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Comments. . CommentConnection can be cast to List<Comment> |
CShopify.Unity.DiscountApplicationConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple DiscountApplications. . DiscountApplicationConnection can be cast to List<DiscountApplication> |
CShopify.Unity.FulfillmentLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple FulfillmentLineItems. . FulfillmentLineItemConnection can be cast to List<FulfillmentLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.ImageConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Images. . ImageConnection can be cast to List<Image> |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddressConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MailingAddresses. . MailingAddressConnection can be cast to List<MailingAddress> |
CShopify.Unity.MediaConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Media. . MediaConnection can be cast to List<Media> |
CShopify.Unity.MetafieldConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Metafields. . MetafieldConnection can be cast to List<Metafield> |
CShopify.Unity.MoneyV2connection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MoneyV2s. . MoneyV2connection can be cast to List<MoneyV2> |
CShopify.Unity.OrderConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Orders. . OrderConnection can be cast to List<Order> |
CShopify.Unity.OrderLineItemConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple OrderLineItems. . OrderLineItemConnection can be cast to List<OrderLineItem> |
CShopify.Unity.PageConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Pages. . PageConnection can be cast to List<Page> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Products. . ProductConnection can be cast to List<Product> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductPriceRangeConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductPriceRanges. . ProductPriceRangeConnection can be cast to List<ProductPriceRange> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariants. . ProductVariantConnection can be cast to List<ProductVariant> |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariantPricePairConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariantPricePairs. . ProductVariantPricePairConnection can be cast to List<ProductVariantPricePair> |
CShopify.Unity.StringConnection | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Strings. . StringConnection can be cast to List<String> |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.IGenericMultiProductShop | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.GenericMultiProductShop | |
►CShopify.Unity.SDK.ILoaderProvider | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.Editor.UnityEditorLoaderProvider | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.UnityLoaderProvider | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ImageConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Images |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ImageEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Image and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ImageQuery | Represents an image resource |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.INativeCheckout | |
►CShopify.Unity.SDK.InputBase | Base class for all GraphQL query generator input objects |
CShopify.Unity.AttributeInput | Specifies the input fields required for an attribute |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutAttributesUpdateInput | Specifies the fields required to update a checkout's attributes |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutAttributesUpdateV2input | Specifies the fields required to update a checkout's attributes |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutCreateInput | Specifies the fields required to create a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemInput | Specifies the input fields to create a line item on a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItemUpdateInput | Specifies the input fields to update a line item on the checkout |
CShopify.Unity.CreditCardPaymentInput | Specifies the fields required to complete a checkout with a Shopify vaulted credit card payment |
CShopify.Unity.CreditCardPaymentInputV2 | Specifies the fields required to complete a checkout with a Shopify vaulted credit card payment |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerAccessTokenCreateInput | Specifies the input fields required to create a customer access token |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerActivateInput | Specifies the input fields required to activate a customer |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerCreateInput | Specifies the fields required to create a new customer |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerResetInput | Specifies the fields required to reset a customer’s password |
CShopify.Unity.CustomerUpdateInput | Specifies the fields required to update the Customer information |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddressInput | Specifies the fields accepted to create or update a mailing address |
CShopify.Unity.MoneyInput | Specifies the fields for a monetary value with currency |
CShopify.Unity.SelectedOptionInput | Specifies the input fields required for a selected option |
CShopify.Unity.TokenizedPaymentInput | Specifies the fields required to complete a checkout with a tokenized payment |
CShopify.Unity.TokenizedPaymentInputV2 | Specifies the fields required to complete a checkout with a tokenized payment |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.InputValueToString | Converts C# values to GraphQL strings for queries |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.IProductPickerController | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.ProductPicker | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.IProductPickerView | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.ProductPickerView | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.IShop | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.IMultiProductShop | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.GenericMultiProductShop | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.ISingleProductShop | Override this class to create a shop that sells a single product |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.DebugSingleProductShop | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.GenericSingleProductShop | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.IShopControllerBaseEditorView | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.IMultiProductShopControllerEditorView | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.MultiProductShopControllerEditor | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.ISingleProductShopControllerEditorView | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.SingleProductShopControllerEditor | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.ShopControllerBaseEditor | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.MultiProductShopControllerEditor | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.SingleProductShopControllerEditor | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestShopControllerBaseEditor.MockShopControllerEditor | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.Log | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.LRUCache< CacheableWebImage > | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.WebImageCache | This class implements a LRU cache for images (PNG/JPEG) that were downloaded from the web |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MailingAddressConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MailingAddresses |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MailingAddressEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one MailingAddress and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MailingAddressQuery | Represents a mailing address for customers and shipping |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ManualDiscountApplicationQuery | Manual discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was manually created |
►CShopify.Unity.Media | Represents a media interface |
CShopify.Unity.ExternalVideo | Represents a video hosted outside of Shopify |
CShopify.Unity.MediaImage | Represents a Shopify hosted image |
CShopify.Unity.Model3d | Represents a Shopify hosted 3D model |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownMedia | UnknownMedia is a response object. With UnknownMedia.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing Media. UnknownMedia.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.Video | Represents a Shopify hosted video |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MediaConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Media |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MediaEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Media and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MediaImageQuery | Represents a Shopify hosted image |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MediaQuery | Represents a media interface |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MetafieldConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Metafields |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MetafieldEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Metafield and a cursor during pagination |
►CShopify.Unity.MetafieldParentResource | A resource that the metafield belongs to |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownMetafieldParentResource | A resource that the metafield belongs to |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MetafieldParentResourceQuery | A resource that the metafield belongs to |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MetafieldQuery | Metafields represent custom metadata attached to a resource. Metafields can be sorted into namespaces and are comprised of keys, values, and value types |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.Model3dQuery | Represents a Shopify hosted 3D model |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.Model3dSourceQuery | Represents a source for a Shopify hosted 3d model |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MoneyV2connectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple MoneyV2s |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MoneyV2edgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one MoneyV2 and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MoneyV2Query | A monetary value with currency |
►CMonoBehaviour | |
CAnimationCanvas | |
CComponents.CameraAnimation | |
CComponents.ImageHolder | |
CComponents.RenderDepthTexture | |
CComponents.ViewCartButton | |
CListLoadingView | |
CShopPopup | |
CShopify.Examples.LineItems.CartPanelLineItem | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.CartPanel | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.EmptyCartPanel | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.ErrorPanel | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.ProductPanel | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.ProductsPanel | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.ProductsPanelCell | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.CartItemView | Behaviour for linking all the pieces of the cart list item together |
CShopify.UIToolkit.ProductImageHolder | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.RemoteImageLoader | A behaviour that fetches a remote image (JPEG/PNG) from the web |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.ShopControllerBase | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.MultiProductShopController | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.SingleProductShopController | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestShopControllerBase.MockShopController | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestShopControllerBaseEditor.MockShopController | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.DebugSingleProductShop | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.CartBadgeView | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.GenericMultiProductShop | |
►CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.GenericMultiProductShopView | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.CartView | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.ProductDetailsView | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.ProductListView | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.ProductDetailsViewBindings | Helper class for binding a product details UI to the data stored within the Product |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.Generic.Spinner | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.GenericSingleProductShop | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Shops.MultiProductListItem | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Integration.TestRemoteImageLoaderIntegration | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Themes.ErrorPopup | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.ViewSwitcher | A component that allows for switching between multiple UI "views", where a view is different UI that needs to be switched between modally |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.WebCheckoutMessageReceiver | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.iOS.ApplePayEventReceiverBridge | |
CShopify.Unity.UI.NativePayButtonUI | |
►CShopifySDKExampleStandardAssets.ImageEffects.PostEffectsBase | |
CShopifySDKExampleStandardAssets.ImageEffects.BlurOptimized | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.MutationQuery | MutationQuery is the root mutation builder. All Storefront API mutation queries are built off of MutationQuery |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.NativeMessage | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.NativePayment | |
►CShopify.Unity.Node | An object with an ID to support global identification |
CShopify.Unity.AppliedGiftCard | Details about the gift card used on the checkout |
CShopify.Unity.Article | An article in an online store blog |
CShopify.Unity.Blog | An online store blog |
CShopify.Unity.Checkout | A container for all the information required to checkout items and pay |
CShopify.Unity.CheckoutLineItem | A single line item in the checkout, grouped by variant and attributes |
CShopify.Unity.Collection | A collection represents a grouping of products that a shop owner can create to organize them or make their shops easier to browse |
CShopify.Unity.Comment | A comment on an article |
CShopify.Unity.ExternalVideo | Represents a video hosted outside of Shopify |
CShopify.Unity.MailingAddress | Represents a mailing address for customers and shipping |
CShopify.Unity.MediaImage | Represents a Shopify hosted image |
CShopify.Unity.Metafield | Metafields represent custom metadata attached to a resource. Metafields can be sorted into namespaces and are comprised of keys, values, and value types |
CShopify.Unity.Model3d | Represents a Shopify hosted 3D model |
CShopify.Unity.Order | An order is a customer’s completed request to purchase one or more products from a shop. An order is created when a customer completes the checkout process, during which time they provides an email address, billing address and payment information |
CShopify.Unity.Page | Shopify merchants can create pages to hold static HTML content. Each Page object represents a custom page on the online store |
CShopify.Unity.Payment | A payment applied to a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.Product | A product represents an individual item for sale in a Shopify store. Products are often physical, but they don't have to be. For example, a digital download (such as a movie, music or ebook file) also qualifies as a product, as do services (such as equipment rental, work for hire, customization of another product or an extended warranty) |
CShopify.Unity.ProductOption | Product property names like "Size", "Color", and "Material" that the customers can select. Variants are selected based on permutations of these options. 255 characters limit each |
CShopify.Unity.ProductVariant | A product variant represents a different version of a product, such as differing sizes or differing colors |
CShopify.Unity.ShopPolicy | Policy that a merchant has configured for their store, such as their refund or privacy policy |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownNode | UnknownNode is a response object. With UnknownNode.Create you'll be able instantiate objects implementing Node. UnknownNode.Create will return one of the following types:
CShopify.Unity.Video | Represents a Shopify hosted video |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.NodeQuery | An object with an ID to support global identification |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.ObservableDictionary< string, string > | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.OrderConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Orders |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.OrderEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Order and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.OrderLineItemConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple OrderLineItems |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.OrderLineItemEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one OrderLineItem and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.OrderLineItemQuery | Represents a single line in an order. There is one line item for each distinct product variant |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.OrderQuery | An order is a customer’s completed request to purchase one or more products from a shop. An order is created when a customer completes the checkout process, during which time they provides an email address, billing address and payment information |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.PageConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Pages |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.PageEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Page and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.PageInfoQuery | Information about pagination in a connection |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.PageQuery | Shopify merchants can create pages to hold static HTML content. Each Page object represents a custom page on the online store |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.PaymentNetwork | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.PaymentQuery | A payment applied to a checkout |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.PaymentSettingsQuery | Settings related to payments |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.PricingPercentageValueQuery | The value of the percentage pricing object |
►CShopify.Unity.PricingValue | The price value (fixed or percentage) for a discount application |
CShopify.Unity.UnknownPricingValue | The price value (fixed or percentage) for a discount application |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.PricingValueQuery | The price value (fixed or percentage) for a discount application |
CShopify.UIToolkit.ProductCache | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Products |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one Product and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductOptionQuery | Product property names like "Size", "Color", and "Material" that the customers can select. Variants are selected based on permutations of these options. 255 characters limit each |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductPriceRangeConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductPriceRanges |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductPriceRangeEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductPriceRange and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductPriceRangeQuery | The price range of the product |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductQuery | A product represents an individual item for sale in a Shopify store. Products are often physical, but they don't have to be. For example, a digital download (such as a movie, music or ebook file) also qualifies as a product, as do services (such as equipment rental, work for hire, customization of another product or an extended warranty) |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductVariantConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariants |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductVariantEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductVariant and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductVariantPricePairConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple ProductVariantPricePairs |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductVariantPricePairEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one ProductVariantPricePair and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductVariantPricePairQuery | The compare-at price and price of a variant sharing a currency |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ProductVariantQuery | A product variant represents a different version of a product, such as differing sizes or differing colors |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.QueryLoader | Abstracts creating and sending queries and mutations via a BaseLoader |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.QueryRootQuery | QueryRootQuery is the root query builder. All Storefront API queries are built off of QueryRootQuery |
►CShopify.Unity.SDK.ResponseMergeUtil | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.MergeCheckout | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ScriptDiscountApplicationQuery | Script discount applications capture the intentions of a discount that was created by a Shopify Script |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.SelectedOptionQuery | Properties used by customers to select a product variant. Products can have multiple options, like different sizes or colors |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.SeoQuery | SEO information |
►CShopify.Unity.SDK.Serializable | |
►CShopify.Unity.SDK.SummaryItem | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.ShippingMethod | |
CShopify.Unity.ShopifyError | A class describing an error that has occurred within the SDK |
CShopify.Unity.ShippingFields | Wraps around a shipping address and shipping identifier. Used for sending the final checkout fields in one GraphQL query |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ShippingRateQuery | A shipping rate to be applied to a checkout |
CShopify.UIToolkit.ShopCredentials | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.ShopCredentialsVerifier | A helper for the editor that allows verifying shop credentials |
CShopify.Unity.ShopifyBuy | Is the main entry point for the Shopify SDK for Unity. Using you'll create a client which can create queries on the Storefront API. ShopifyClient can also be used to create a Cart |
CShopify.Unity.ShopifyClient | ShopifyClient is the entry point to communicate with the Shopify Storefront API. ShopifyClient also has functionality to easily generate and send queries to receive information about products, collections, and has the ability to create checkouts |
CShopify.Unity.ShopMetadata | Data struct containing metadata associated with a Shop |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ShopPolicyQuery | Policy that a merchant has configured for their store, such as their refund or privacy policy |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.ShopQuery | Shop represents a collection of the general settings and information about the shop |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.StringConnectionQuery | An auto-generated type for paginating through multiple Strings |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.StringEdgeQuery | An auto-generated type which holds one String and a cursor during pagination |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestHTTPUtils | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestImageCache | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestMultiProductShopController | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.TestMultiProductShopEditor | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestProductCache | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestProductPicker | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestShopControllerBase | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestShopControllerBaseEditor | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestShopCredentialsVerifier | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestSingleProductShopController | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestSingleProductShopControllerEditor | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Test.Unit.TestVariantSelector | |
►CShopify.Unity.SDK.TopLevelResponse | Base class for QueryResponse and MutationResponse , which are top-level responses for all GraphQL queries |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.MutationResponse | Top-level response for all GraphQL mutation queries |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.QueryResponse | Top level response for all GraphQL queries |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.TransactionQuery | An object representing exchange of money for a product or service |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.UnitPriceMeasurementQuery | The measurement used to calculate a unit price for a product variant (e.g. $9.99 / 100ml) |
►CUnityAppController | |
CUnityBuyAppController | |
►CUnityEvent | |
CShopify.Examples.LineItems.VariantLineItemQuantityAdjustmentEvent | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.AddProductToCartEvent | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.CartQuantityChangedEvent | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.CheckoutFailureEvent | |
CShopify.Examples.Panels.ShowProductEvent | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.CartController.PurchaseFailedEvent | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.CartController.QuantityChangeEvent | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.CartItemView.QuantityChangeEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< List< CartItem >> | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.CartController.CartItemsChangeEvent | |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.UnityTimeout | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.UserErrorQuery | Represents an error in the input of a mutation |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.ValidationUtils | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.VariantSelector | Converts the list of product variant and their respective selectable options that looks like: [{ "selectedOptions": [{ "name": "optionName1", "value": "value1" }, { "name": "optionName2", "value": "value1" }] }, { "selectedOptions": [{ "name": "optionName1", "value": "value2" }, { "name": "optionName2", "value": "value2" }] }] into a map that looks like: { "optionName1": ["value1", "value2", ...], "optionName2": ["value1", "value2", ...], } |
CShopify.Unity.VersionInformation | |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.VideoQuery | Represents a Shopify hosted video |
CShopify.Unity.GraphQL.VideoSourceQuery | Represents a source for a Shopify hosted video |
CShopify.Unity.SDK.WebCheckout | |
►CEditor | |
CShopPopupEditor | |
►CEditor | |
CShopify.UIToolkit.Editor.ShopControllerBaseEditor | |