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The Link component is used to navigate between routes. Because it renders an underlying <a> element, all properties available to the <a> element are also available to the Link component. For more information, refer to the <a> element documentation.

Example code

import {Link} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
export default function Index() {
return <Link to="/products/hydrogen">Hydrogen</Link>;

Scroll restoration

By default, when you click a <Link> component, Hydrogen emulates default browser behavior and attempts to restore the scroll position that was previously used in the visitor's session. For new pages, the <Link> component defaults to scrolling to the top of the page.

However, if you want to build a user interface that re-renders server components and updates the URL, but doesn't modify the scroll position, then you can disable scroll restoration using the scroll prop:

import {Link} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
export default function Index({request}) {
const url = new URL(request.normalizedUrl);

return (
<p>Current param is: {url.searchParams.get('param')}</p>
<Link to="/?param=foo" scroll={false}>
Update param to foo

Base path

The <Link> component automatically prepends a basePath to the destination URL. That basePath is inherited from the <FileRoutes> component it is rendered within. You can override this default behavior by passing a custom basePath prop to the <Link> component.


tostringThe destination URL that the link points to. This is the href attribute of the underlying <a> element.
replace?booleanWhether to update the state object or URL of the current history entry. Refer to the history.replaceState documentation.
clientState?anyThe custom client state with the navigation.
reloadDocument?booleanWhether to reload the whole document on navigation.
prefetch?booleanWhether to prefetch the link source when the user signals intent. Defaults to true. For more information, refer to Prefetching a link source.
scroll?booleanWhether to emulate natural browser behavior and restore scroll position on navigation. Defaults to true.
basePath?stringOverride the basePath inherited from the <Route>.

Component type

The Link component is a client component, which means that it renders on the client. For more information about component types, refer to React Server Components.