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The useNavigate hook imperatively navigates between routes.

Example code

import {useNavigate} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

function addToCart() {}

export default function ClientComponent() {
const navigate = useNavigate();
async function clickAddToCart() {
await addToCart();
navigate('/success', {replace: true});
return <Button onClick={clickAddToCart}>Add to Cart</Button>;

Return value

The useNavigate hook returns a function which accepts the following values:

pathThe path you want to navigate to.
optionsThe options for the configuration object: replace, reloadDocument, clientState, scroll. For more information on the options, refer to the Link component.


  • Consider using the useNavigate hook only where appropriate. Generally, you should use the Link component instead, because it provides standard browser accessibility functionality, like cmd+click and right-click to open.
  • The useNavigate hook is only available in client components.