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The useDelay hook adds an artificial delay within your server components. This is useful to debug timing issues and to design fallback UI states at suspense boundaries.

Note: All artificial delays are removed in production.

Example code

import {useShopQuery, gql, useDelay} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

export default function Page() {
// Force `useShopQuery` to take at least 3 seconds
const {data} = useDelay(
query: QUERY,
variables: {},

// Add another delay. The component will not finish rendering
// and be returned for another three seconds.
useDelay('uniqueDelayKey', 3000);

return <h1>{}</h1>;

const QUERY = gql`/** add your query here **/`;

The useDelay hook is useful when testing suspense boundary fallbacks. The following is an example:

import {useShopQuery, gql, useDelay} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

export default function Page() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<SkeletonPage />}>
<PageContent />

function SkeletonPage() {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

function PageContent() {
const {data} = useDelay(
query: QUERY,
variables: {},

return <div>...</div>;


The useDelay hook takes the following arguments:

delayYesA unique string or the result of either useQuery or useShopQuery.
timeYesThe amount of time in milliseconds to delay.

Return value

The useDelay hook returns the result of either useShopQuery or useQuery after the specified delay.