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The fetchSync hook makes API requests and is the recommended way to make simple fetch calls on the server and on the client. It's designed similar to the Web API's fetch, only in a way that supports Suspense.

Example code

import {fetchSync} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
import {Suspense} from 'react';
// Use `Suspense` boundaries to define where you want your app to display a loading indicator while your data is being accessed.
export function MyComponent() {
return (
<Suspense fallback="Loading...">
<MyThings />
function MyThings() {
// To request data from a third-party API, pass the URL to `fetchSync` along with any arguments.
const things = fetchSync('', {
method: 'post',
return <h2>{things.title}</h2>;

fetchSync in server components

If you're using fetchSync in a server component, then you provide options for caching and preloading. This is similar to the useQuery hook:

import {fetchSync, CacheLong} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
import {Suspense} from 'react';
export function MyComponent() {
return (
<Suspense fallback="Loading...">
<MyThings />
function MyThings() {
const things = fetchSync('', {
preload: true,
cache: CacheLong(),
return <h2>{things.title}</h2>;


The fetchSync hook takes the following arguments:

stringYesA URL to fetch.
requestInitNoThe options to manage the fetch behavior and cache behavior of the request.

The requestInit object augments the init properties available in the Web Fetch API to include the following additional properties:

cacheNoThe caching strategy to help you determine which cache control header to set.
preloadNoWhether to preload the request. It defaults to true only when the CachingStrategy is not CacheNone. Specify false to disable or use '*' to preload the query for all requests.
shouldCacheResponseNoA function that inspects the response body to determine if it should be cached.

Return value

The fetchSync function returns a Response object and its properties. However, the following properties are adapted to work with React Suspense:

json()A function to synchronously return a JavaScript object based on the JSON response body.
text()A function to synchronously return a string version of the response body.

fetchSync in client components

If you're using fetchSync in a client component, then you can't provide options for caching and preloading in client components:

import {fetchSync} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
import {Suspense} from 'react';
export function MyComponent() {
return (
<Suspense fallback="Loading...">
<MyThings />
function MyThings() {
const things = fetchSync('').json();
return <h2>{things.title}</h2>;


The fetchSync hook takes the following arguments:

stringYesA URL to fetch.
requestInitNoThe options to manage the fetch behavior of the request.

The requestInit object mirrors the init properties available in the Web Fetch API.

Return value

The fetchSync function returns a Response object and its properties. However, the following properties are adapted to work with React Suspense:

json()A function to synchronously return a JavaScript object based on the JSON response body.
text()A function to synchronously return a string version of the response body.


The following considerations apply to fetchSync in server and client components.

fetchSync in server components

  • Don't use async/await with the fetchSync helper provided by Hydrogen. Hydrogen wraps the native fetch call in a way that supports Suspense boundaries.
  • Process the response contents with json() or text() helpers.
  • Don't use fetchSync on the server to call an endpoint within the same Hydrogen app. This causes issues in some production runtimes. Instead, make the query for the data directly.

fetchSync in client components

  • Suspense boundaries in client components are rendered during server-side rendering (SSR). This means the fallback is streamed to the client while the fetch call runs.
  • Data fetched on the server during SSR isn't serialized to the client. This means that your client fetchSync function will run twice during initial page load: once on the server and once on the client.
  • Suspense boundaries inside client components rendered during a subsequent navigation are only rendered on the client and not on the server.
  • If you include browser-only logic inside your client component Suspense boundary, which would otherwise fail on the server, then you should conditionally include the suspending component with a piece of client state activated by useEffect or with a user action: {isLoaded && <Suspense><MyComponent></Suspense>}.
  • If you're using fetchSync to call an API endpoint in the same Hydrogen app, then you must wrap the call in conditional logic with a piece of client state that's activated by useEffect. This ensures that fetchSync doesn't execute during pre-rendering (SSR): {isLoaded && <Suspense><MyComponent></Suspense>}.