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Hydrogen 2.0 is out now. These archival Hydrogen 1.0 docs are provided only to assist developers during their upgrade process. Please migrate as soon as possible.

Hydrogen provides an ESLint plugin that enforces Shopify’s JavaScript best practices and catches common issues when using React Server Components in Hydrogen apps. This guide provides information about installing and configuring the ESLint plugin.


Run the following command to install ESLint and the ESLint plugin:

yarn add --dev eslint eslint-plugin-hydrogen

Using Shopify CLI

You can automatically set up eslint using Shopify CLI by running the following command within your Hydrogen app:

yarn shopify hydrogen add eslint


The ESLint configurations available in Hydrogen are bundled in the ESLint plugin. To use configurations, you need to extend the relevant configuration in your project’s .eslintrc.js configuration file. The ESLint plugin exports a recommended and a Hydrogen configuration.

The recommended configuration enforces Shopify's JavaScript best practices and includes third-party plugins and configurations.

To enable the recommended configuration, add the extends property in your .eslintrc.js config file:

// .eslintrc.js

extends: 'plugin:hydrogen/recommended',

Hydrogen configuration

Unlike the recommended configuration, the Hydrogen configuration excludes suggested third-party plugins and configurations. It enables only the Hydrogen rules with their suggested defaults.

To enable the Hydrogen configuration, add the extends property in your .eslintrc.js config file:

// .eslintrc.js

extends: 'plugin:hydrogen/hydrogen',

TypeScript configuration

The ESlint plugin provides a configuration override that you can use in TypeScript projects. You can add the following configuration after either the recommended or Hydrogen configuration:

// .eslintrc.js

extends: ['plugin:hydrogen/recommended', 'plugin:hydrogen/typescript'],

Contributing to Hydrogen's ESLint plugin

Hydrogen's ESLint plugin is open source. Learn how to contribute to the project on GitHub.

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