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This guide how SEO works in Hydrogen and the output of SEO-related tags in your Hydrogen client and server components.

How SEO works in Hydrogen

Hydrogen includes an Seo client component that renders SEO information on a webpage. It also provides the following example SEO-related files in the Demo Store template:

  • Sitemap.xml.server.ts: A file that generates all products, collections, and pages URLs using the Storefront API

  • Robots.txt.server.ts: A file that sets default rules for which URLs can be crawled by search engines

Seo client component

The Seo client component uses the data from Storefront API to generate the <head> tags that search engines look for. For example, Product.Seo is used to generate the <head> tags for the products page.

Learn how to customize <head> tags at the route level.

SEO bot behavior

By default, all routes in Hydrogen are stream rendered. However, Hydrogen supports SEO by inspecting the user-agent for every request, disabling streaming, and buffering the response to fully render it on the server-side. This enables you to properly inject head tags when the page is being served to SEO crawlers and bots.

Learn how to customize bot behavior.

Limitations and considerations

The following limitations and considerations apply to the XML sitemap that's included in the Demo Store template:

  • The sitemap has a limit of 250 products, 250 collections, and 250 pages. You need to paginate results if your store has more than 250 resources.

    Tip: If your store has more resources than the limit, and you haven't customized the URLs of the resources, then we recommend using the Online Store version of the sitemap at https://{store-domain}/sitemap.xml.

  • When you add or remove pages, the sitemap is automatically updated within one day. Similarly, if you unpublish a product, then the product is removed automatically from the sitemap.

  • The sitemap is cached for 24 hours.

  • By default, the sitemap uses the onlineStoreUrl field from the Storefront API as the URL. It falls back to the Demo Store template URL structure, which is based on resource's handle.

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