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SVG Images

Draw an SVG (see SVG Support).

If the root dimensions are in absolute units, the width/height properties have no effect since the initial viewport is fixed.

svgSVGSVG Image.
width?numberWidth of the destination image. This is used to resolve the initial viewport when the root SVG width is specified in relative units.
height?numberHeight of the destination image. This is used to resolve the initial viewport when the root SVG height is specified in relative units.
x?numberOptional displayed x coordinate of the svg container.
y?numberOptional displayed y coordinate of the svg container.

The ImageSVG component doesn't follow the same painting rules as other components. see applying effects.


import {
} from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

const ImageSVGDemo = () => {
// Alternatively, you can pass an SVG URL directly
// for instance: const svg = useSVG("");
const svg = useSVG(require("../../assets/tiger.svg"));
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
{ svg && (

You can also use an inlined string as SVG (using Skia.SVG.MakeFromString):

import React from "react";
import { Canvas, ImageSVG, Skia } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

const svg = Skia.SVG.MakeFromString(
`<svg viewBox='0 0 290 500' xmlns=''>
<circle cx='31' cy='325' r='120px' fill='#c02aaa'/>

export const SVG = () => {
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>

Scaling the SVG

As mentionned above, if the root dimensions are in absolute units, the width/height properties have no effect since the initial viewport is fixed. However you can access these values and use the fitbox function.


In the example below we scale the SVG to the canvas width and height.

import React from "react";
import { Canvas, ImageSVG, Skia, rect, fitbox, Group } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

const svg = Skia.SVG.MakeFromString(
`<svg viewBox='0 0 20 20' width="20" height="20" xmlns=''>
<circle cx='10' cy='10' r='10' fill='#00ffff'/>

const width = 256;
const height = 256;
const src = rect(0, 0, svg.width(), svg.height());
const dst = rect(0, 0, width, height);

export const SVG = () => {
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Group transform={fitbox("contain", src, dst)}>
<ImageSVG svg={svg} x={0} y={0} width={20} height={20} />

Applying Effects

The ImageSVG component doesn't follow the same painting rules as other components. This is because behind the scene, we use the SVG module from Skia. However you can apply effets using the layer property.

Opacity Example

In the example below we apply an opacity effect via the ColorMatrix component.

import React from "react";
import { Canvas, ImageSVG, Skia, rect, fitbox, useSVG, Group, Paint, OpacityMatrix, ColorMatrix } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

const width = 256;
const height = 256;

export const SVG = () => {
const tiger = useSVG(require("./tiger.svg"));
if (!tiger) {
return null;
const src = rect(0, 0, tiger.width(), tiger.height());
const dst = rect(0, 0, width, height);
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
transform={fitbox("contain", src, dst)}
layer={<Paint><ColorMatrix matrix={OpacityMatrix(0.5)} /></Paint>}
<ImageSVG svg={tiger} x={0} y={0} width={800} height={800} />

Blur Example

In the example below we apply a blur image filter to the SVG.

import React from "react";
import { Canvas, ImageSVG, Skia, rect, fitbox, useSVG, Group, Paint, Blur } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

const width = 256;
const height = 256;

export const SVG = () => {
const tiger = useSVG(require("./tiger.svg"));
if (!tiger) {
return null;
const src = rect(0, 0, tiger.width(), tiger.height());
const dst = rect(0, 0, width, height);
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Group transform={fitbox("contain", src, dst)} layer={<Paint><Blur blur={10} /></Paint>}>
<ImageSVG svg={tiger} x={0} y={0} width={800} height={800} />


SVG Support

The SVG module from Skia displays SVGs as images. We expect most SVG files to render correctly out of the box, especially if they come from Figma or Illustrator. However, please be aware of some of the quirks below when using it. Text elements current won't render and any external XML elements such as XLink or CSS won't render. If your SVG doesn't render correctly and you've considered all the items below, please file an issue.


Currently text rendering is not supported

CSS Styles

CSS styles included in SVG are not supported. A tool like SVGO can help with converting CSS style attributes to SVG attributes if possible. You can use it online here. For instance, it can normalize CSS style attributes that contain transformations to the proper transform property.

RGBA Colors

The RGBA color syntax is not supported. Instead, it would help if you used the fill-opacity and stroke-opacity attributes. Consider the example below.

fill="rgba(100, 200, 300, 0.5)"
stroke="rgba(100, 200, 300, 0.8)"

Would need to be rewritten as:

fill="rgb(100, 200, 300)"
stroke="rgb(100, 200, 300)"

The opacity attribute also applies to both the fill and stroke attributes.

Non Supported Elements

Below is the list of non-supported element. Often these SVGs can be rewritten to not use these elements.

  • <altGlyph> (deprecated)
  • <animate>
  • <cursor> (deprecated)
  • <feComponentTransfer>
  • <feConvolveMatrix>
  • <feTile>
  • <feDropShadow>
  • <font> (deprecated)
  • <foreignObject>
  • <glyph> (deprecated)
  • <script>
  • <view>

Font Family

When rendering your SVG with Skia, all fonts available in your app are also available to your SVG. However, the way you can set the font-family attribute is as flexible as on the web.

// ✅ This is really all that is supported:
<text font-family="MyFont" />
// ❌ This won't work. If MyFont is available, this syntax will be accepted.
// but it will never fallback to monospace
<text font-family="MyFont, monospace" />
// ❌ The single quote syntax won't work either.
<text font-family="'MyFont'" />

Inlined SVGs

Some SVGs contain inlined SVGs via the <image> or <feImage> elements. This is not supported.

Gradient Templates

The deprecated xlink:href attribute is not supported in gradients. You can use the href attribute instead. However, we found that it doesn't appear to be adequately supported. We would recommend avoiding using it.


Some SVG with issues display nicely in the browser because they are very tolerant of errors. We found that the Skia SVG module is much less forgiving.