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Draws a Coons patch.

cubicsCubicBezier[4]Specifies four cubic Bezier starting at the top-left corner, in clockwise order, sharing every fourth point. The last cubic Bezier ends at the first point.
texturesPoint[].Texture mapping. The texture is the shader provided by the paint
colors?string[]Optional colors to be associated to each corner
blendMode?BlendModeIf colors is provided, colors are blended with the paint using the blend mode. Default is dstOver if colors are provided, srcOver if not


import {Canvas, Patch, vec} from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

const PatchDemo = () => {
const colors = ["#61dafb", "#fb61da", "#61fbcf", "#dafb61"];
const C = 64;
const width = 256;
const topLeft = { pos: vec(0, 0), c1: vec(0, C), c2: vec(C, 0) };
const topRight = {
pos: vec(width, 0),
c1: vec(width, C),
c2: vec(width + C, 0),
const bottomRight = {
pos: vec(width, width),
c1: vec(width, width - 2 * C),
c2: vec(width - 2 * C, width),
const bottomLeft = {
pos: vec(0, width),
c1: vec(0, width - 2 * C),
c2: vec(-2 * C, width),
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
patch={[topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft]}

SVG Notation