Draws a Coons patch.
Name | Type | Description |
cubics | CubicBezier[4] | Specifies four cubic Bezier starting at the top-left corner, in clockwise order, sharing every fourth point. The last cubic Bezier ends at the first point. |
textures | Point[] . | Texture mapping. The texture is the shader provided by the paint |
colors? | string[] | Optional colors to be associated to each corner |
blendMode? | BlendMode | If colors is provided, colors are blended with the paint using the blend mode. Default is dstOver if colors are provided, srcOver if not |
import {Canvas, Patch, vec} from "@shopify/react-native-skia";
const PatchDemo = () => {
const colors = ["#61dafb", "#fb61da", "#61fbcf", "#dafb61"];
const C = 64;
const width = 256;
const topLeft = { pos: vec(0, 0), c1: vec(0, C), c2: vec(C, 0) };
const topRight = {
pos: vec(width, 0),
c1: vec(width, C),
c2: vec(width + C, 0),
const bottomRight = {
pos: vec(width, width),
c1: vec(width, width - 2 * C),
c2: vec(width - 2 * C, width),
const bottomLeft = {
pos: vec(0, width),
c1: vec(0, width - 2 * C),
c2: vec(-2 * C, width),
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
patch={[topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft]}