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Text Path

Draws text along a path.

pathPath or stringPath to draw. Can be a string using the SVG Path notation or an object created with Skia.Path.Make()
textstringText to draw
fontSkFontFont to use


import {Canvas, Group, TextPath, Skia, useFont, vec, Fill} from "@shopify/react-native-skia";

const size = 128;
const path = Skia.Path.Make();
path.addCircle(size, size, size/2);

export const HelloWorld = () => {
const font = useFont(require("./my-font.ttf"), 24);
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Fill color="white" />
<Group transform={[{ rotate: Math.PI }]} origin={vec(size, size)}>
<TextPath font={font} path={path} text="Hello World!" />