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Defining your theme

Any project using this library should have a global theme object which specifies a set of values for spacing, colors, breakpoints, and more. These values are made available to Restyle components, so that you can for example write backgroundColor="cardPrimary" to use the named color from your theme. In fact, TypeScript enforces the backgroundColor property to only accept colors that have been defined in your theme, and autocompletes values for you in a modern editor.

Below is an example of how a basic theme could look. Make sure to read the other sections in Fundamentals for more details on how to set up your different theme values.

import {createTheme} from '@shopify/restyle';

const palette = {
purpleLight: '#8C6FF7',
purplePrimary: '#5A31F4',
purpleDark: '#3F22AB',

greenLight: '#56DCBA',
greenPrimary: '#0ECD9D',
greenDark: '#0A906E',

black: '#0B0B0B',
white: '#F0F2F3',

const theme = createTheme({
colors: {
mainBackground: palette.white,
cardPrimaryBackground: palette.purplePrimary,
spacing: {
s: 8,
m: 16,
l: 24,
xl: 40,
textVariants: {
header: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 34,
body: {
fontSize: 16,
lineHeight: 24,
defaults: {
// We can define a default text variant here.

export type Theme = typeof theme;
export default theme;

Note: createTheme doesn't do anything except enforcing the theme to have the same shape as the BaseTheme, but it preserves the types of your user specific values (e.g. what colors the theme has) so you don't lose typesafety as a result of the { [key:string]: any } in BaseTheme

This theme should be passed to a ThemeProvider at the top of your React tree:

import {ThemeProvider} from '@shopify/restyle';
import theme from './theme';

const App = () => (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>{/* Rest of the app */}</ThemeProvider>