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A variant is a form of Restyle function that maps a prop into multiple other props to use with Restyle functions. A variant needs to always map to a key in the theme.

// In theme
const theme = createTheme({
// ...
spacing: {
s: 8,
m: 16,
l: 24,
colors: {
cardPrimaryBackground: '#EEEEEE',
breakpoints: {
phone: 0,
tablet: 768,
cardVariants: {
defaults: {
// We can define defaults for the variant here.
// This will be applied after the defaults passed to createVariant and before the variant defined below.
regular: {
// We can refer to other values in the theme here, and use responsive props
padding: {
phone: 's',
tablet: 'm',
elevated: {
padding: {
phone: 's',
tablet: 'm',
shadowColor: '#000',
shadowOpacity: 0.2,
shadowOffset: {width: 0, height: 5},
shadowRadius: 15,
elevation: 5,

import {createVariant, createRestyleComponent, VariantProps} from '@shopify/restyle'
import {Theme} from './theme';

const variant = createVariant<Theme, 'cardVariants'>({
themeKey: 'cardVariants',
defaults: {
margin: {
phone: 's',
tablet: 'm',
backgroundColor: 'cardPrimaryBackground',

const Card = createRestyleComponent<
VariantProps<Theme, 'cardVariants'> & BoxProps<Theme>,
>([variant], Box)

<Card variant="elevated" />

// createVariant and createRestyleComponent are often combined into a single
// call, which improves the type hinting as well:
const Card = createRestyleComponent<
VariantProps<Theme, 'cardVariants'> & React.ComponentProps<typeof Box>,
themeKey: 'cardVariants',
defaults: {
margin: {
phone: 's',
tablet: 'm',
backgroundColor: 'cardPrimaryBackground',


  • property: The name of the component prop that will map to a variant. Defaults to variant.
  • themeKey: A key in the theme to map values from. Unlike createRestyleFunction, this option is required to create a variant.
  • defaults: The default values to apply before applying anything from the values in the theme.