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Restyle functions

Restyle functions are the bread and butter of Restyle. They specify how props should be mapped to values in a resulting style object, that can then be passed down to a React Native component. The props support responsive values and can be mapped to values in your theme.

Predefined Restyle functions

The Restyle library comes with a number of predefined Restyle functions for your convenience. Properties within brackets are aliases / shorthands for the preceding prop name.

Restyle FunctionPropsTheme Key
backgroundColorbackgroundColor [bg]colors
visibledisplay (maps true / false to flex / none)none
spacingmargin [m], marginTop [mt], marginRight [mr], marginBottom [mb], marginLeft [ml], marginStart [ms], marginEnd[me], marginHorizontal [mx], marginVertical [my], padding [p], paddingTop [pt], paddingRight [pr], paddingBottom [pb], paddingLeft [pl], paddingStart [ps], paddingEnd [pe], paddingHorizontal [px], paddingVertical [py], gap [g], rowGap [rG], columnGap [cG]spacing
layoutwidth, height, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, overflow, aspectRatio, alignContent, alignItems, alignSelf, justifyContent, flex, flexBasis, flexDirection, flexGrow, flexShrink, flexWrapnone
positionposition, top, right, bottom, left, start, endnone
borderborderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth, borderRightWidth, borderStartWidth, borderEndWidth, borderStyle, borderTopWidth, borderWidthnone
borderborderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderLeftColor, borderStartColor, borderEndColor, borderBottomColorcolors
borderborderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderBottomStartRadius, borderBottomEndRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius, borderTopStartRadius, borderTopEndRadiusborderRadii
shadowshadowOpacity, shadowOffset, shadowRadius, elevationnone
textShadowtextShadowOffset, textShadowRadiusnone
typographyfontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, includeFontPadding, fontVariant, letterSpacing, lineHeight, textAlign, textAlignVertical, textDecorationColor, textDecorationLine, textDecorationStyle, textTransform, verticalAlign, writingDirectionnone

Custom Restyle functions

To define your own Restyle function, use the createRestyleFunction helper:

import {createRestyleFunction, createRestyleComponent} from '@shopify/restyle'
const transparency = createRestyleFunction({
property: 'transparency',
styleProperty: 'opacity',
transform: ({value}: {value: number}) => 1 - value,

const TransparentComponent = createRestyleComponent([transparency])

<TransparentComponent transparency={0.5} />


  • property: The name of the component prop that the function will receive the value of.
  • styleProperty: The name of the property in the style object to map to. Defaults to the value of property.
  • transform({value, theme, themeKey}): An optional function that transforms the value of the prop to the value that will be inserted into the style object.
  • themeKey: An optional key in the theme to map values from, e.g. colors.