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The useRequestContext hook provides access to a request-scoped context to share data across multiple React Server Components while running on the server. It's useful for writing plugins and third-party libraries.

Example code

import {useRequestContext} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

const pluginName = 'my-plugin';

function installMyPlugin() {
const context = useRequestContext(pluginName);
context.installed = true;

function useMyPlugin() {
return useRequestContext(pluginName);

function App() {

return /* ... */;

function SomeOtherServerComponent() {
const data = useMyPlugin();
return <div>{data.installed}</div>


The useRequestContext hook takes the following arguments:

scopeNoA string to encapsulate data so that it's not modified by other scopes.

Return value

The useRequestContext hook returns an object that can be mutated to store data.


  • Consider using the useRequestContext hook only where appropriate. Generally, you should pass props down to the components instead. Use it to cache data across multiple React rendering cycles, or to share data across components that are located in different tree branches.
  • The useRequestContext hook is only available when running on the server in server components or client components during server-side rendering (SSR). The hook is never shared in the browser.