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Manage SEO


Hydrogen 2.0 is out now. These archival Hydrogen 1.0 docs are provided only to assist developers during their upgrade process. Please migrate as soon as possible.

This guide describes how to customize the output of SEO-related tags in your client and server components.

Customize SEO at the route level

At the route level, you can customize the <head> tags that search engines look for.

Override default server component SEO values

You can override the default SEO values by passing in custom props:

// /products/[handle].server.jsx

const storeFrontData = {...};
const customData = {
description: 'Custom product description',

<Seo type="product" data={customData} />

Generate SEO tags

The Seo component has two props: type and data. The type prop accepts defaultSeo,homepage, product, collection, page, or noindex.

Each type expects a different data shape.

The following example shows how to use an SEO component of type product and pass a product object into the data prop. This allows the component to generate standard SEO-related tags for your product page:

// /products/[handle].server.jsx

<Seo type="product" data={product} />

Add custom head tags to the Seo component

Import Head from Hydrogen on any client component and use the syntax described by the underlying Helmet library:

// /products/[handle].server.jsx

import {Head} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

return (
<Seo type="product" data={product} />
<meta property="something" content="else" />

Query and populate <head> tags as a server component

The following example shows how to include a catch-all SEO component with the type defaultSeo that queries and populates <head> tags as a server component:

// App.server.jsx

import {Suspense} from 'react';

import LoadingFallback from './components/LoadingFallback';

export default function App({log, ...serverProps}) {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<LoadingFallback />}>
<ShopifyProvider countryCode={countryCode}>
title: 'Hydrogen',
"A custom storefront powered by Hydrogen, Shopify's React-based framework for building headless.",
titleTemplate: `%s · Hydrogen`,
{/** ... */}

Overwriting title template

In the Demo Store template, the titles for all pages are %s - ${data.title}, where %s is the title of children components. If you want to use a different pattern, then you can overwrite the title template for all pages using a defaultSeo type Seo component, or for a single page by updating the Head title.

Note: Hydrogen is the default label that displays on the browser tab. You can edit the label by updating the text in the <title> tag in index.html.

Overwrite for all pages

The following example shows how to overwrite title template for all pages (for example, Fullstack Snow Board | Snowdevil):

// DefaultSeo.server.jsx

return (
title: name,
+ titleTemplate: `%s | ${name}`

Overwrite for a single page

The following example shows how to overwrite title template for a single page:

// /mypage.server.jsx

import {Head} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

return (
<Head titleTemplate="%s">
<title>My Page</title>

SEO bots

The following are common tasks for working with bots.

Imitate robot behavior

To imitate the behavior of an SEO bot and show the page content fully from server render for an initial render, add the ?_bot query parameter at the end of the webpage's URL.

Check for custom robots

If you find a bot that's not recognized by Hydrogen's bot detection algorithm, then you can manually disable streaming to buffer the response and make the content immediately available to bots:

// App.server.jsx

function App({request, response}) {
if (request.headers.get('user-agent') === 'custom bot') {

return <Suspense fallback={'Loading...'}>{/*...*/}</Suspense>;

export default renderHydrogen(App);

Remove SEO with noindex

Pages that require authentication shouldn't be indexed by bots. For example, bots shouldn't index login and account pages. You can tell bots to not index a page by passing noindex to the Seo component:

// /account/login.server.jsx

<Seo type="noindex" data={{title: 'Login'}} />